Who says?

So I've been dreading for this coming Wednesday.
SPM results [in case you're outdated]
I know myself better than anyone else,
so please just shut up when you think I could have done better or anything.
Don't offer any sympathy, keep it to yourself.

No doubt this should be something I should talk about AFTER I've gotten my results.
Screw it.
I'll just let this be a just-so-you-know.
I'm tired of smiling politely or awkwardly whenever people starts to ask how do I think I'll score.
And when I said, probably not good.
They will smile knowingly as if I was just being very modest.
I was being honest.
So why won't you people just say something like,
its okay no matter what you'll still be able to do great things in the future.

I mean,
does anyone even bother to ask how my piano exam results?
[I'm talking about years ago up till now]

Who needs science to play beautifully?
Who needs Malaysia's history to haunt people's mind with music?

What is wrong with everyone? [well not literally everyone]
I don't see why can't I be one of those people who are NOT interested in Business, Medical, Law, Engineering, and Accounting?
I'm not being uninterested on purpose,
its just not me.

If you honestly thought I could go for one of courses above,
its pretty obvious you don't know me then.

Not to mentioned,
I Like Writing Too.

Writing Heals
I'm a walking prove

Seeing this makes my fingers itch to write anything,
Anything or even draw.

I want to write books.
Write novels.
Write diaries.
I want people to actually reads them and enjoyed it.
I want people to feel connected to the things I wrote.
I want I want I want.
Who says I can get what I want?

Deep deep down inside,
I want to be recognized for the things I wrote.
[slaps self]

Who gives a thought about that?

[yes that is Selena Gomez from Another Cinderella Story]

I used to danced two times a week.
And now I'm just getting lazier and lazier.
[fatter and fatter]
I don't think I can ever go back to be a ballet dancer.
I stopped for one whole year due to leg injury.
[plus the stupid SPM]
If I were to go back,
I would have to catch up ALOT
and I don't have time for that.

I've got work.
Which I planned to stop by April.
Or May.
Long story.

I'm sick of the mindset of our society.
Disgusting, the way people nowadays think.
To be accepted, we have to blend in.
Have to be the same as others.

Honestly lah,

Someone's gotta be a dancer right?
Someone's gotta be an artist right?
Anything else that the society doesn't think much of?


Know what.
I pity my sister.
She's smart yes.
Scores almost every time.
The perfect one who's good at everything.
Always getting first since form 1.
Even though she doesn't even like the subjects.

In that case she got it lucky,
she could push herself to study and remembers everything.
As for me,
once I don't like it, I can't get a damn fact into my head.
But if I like it, I'll be good at it.

Back to me pitying her.
Everyone will be expects so much from her.
Everyone automatically thinks she's going to be a doctor,
or something like that.

Something that earns big-bucks and successful.
No doubt she'll be successful,
but who says she wants to be a doctor?
As far as I know her,
she's more passionate about dancing.

So lets imagine me and my sister talking about this,
Me: "You know what people will say, aiya wasted la for you. [that you don't wanna be a doctor]"
SueKi: "I know [mad]"
Me: "[about to walk out from the room] stupid mindset.."
SueKi: "Sue Yi wait."
Me: "Yeah? [turns back]"
SueKi: "[smiles sadly] think the other way round. If I don't go for dancing, all these years, wasted also what."
Me:" :O I'm so blogging that."

Sorry I just had to haha.
This whole results thing has been screwing my mind upside down alot lately.
I just need to get the message across to whoever is reading.
Remember what I said about how ridiculous would it be if everyone scores straight As?
I'll be one of those who would make things balanced.
My results won't be that great,
I can assure you that.
Not as great as you want it to be.

P.S I kept waking up at four in the morning. No alarm, nothing. And I usually sleeps like a log.

P.P.S I wanna do something to change the world. With something that I'm passionate about.

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

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