Teacher Appreciation Gifts

Just wanted to INVITE YOU
to watch Studio 5
Channel 5 @ 11:00 a.m.
this coming Monday

Emily will be showing
some fantastic gift ideas
for the upcoming teacher 
thank you "season!"

Here is a segment from '09
for your viewing pleasure... :)

And one more from last year - graduation and teacher gifts!

See ya Monday!

Yesterday Was Thursday

It's Friday, Friday, Friday!!!

Are we we we so excited?


Because it's not just ANY Friday...

[dum dum DUMMM]

...it's Friday the 13th, lollipops.

Er...I mean, suckers. Yeah.

So beware...


...because today, your baked goods just might try to KILL YOU:

More than usual, I mean.

"I don't remember any legs, but it definitely had arms, because it reached out for me!"

"And then...then it started free-handing flowers with the star tip!!"


Thanks to Joy F., Diess, Ashley W., Rebecca R., & Kimberly C., who think this calls for another visit to...[dum dum DUMMM] Hell's Bakery:


Oh, and remember: tomorrow is Saturday.

And Sunday comes afterward.

Are you ready?

I know I had share this on Facebook
But I find this super touching so yeah =)
Here's to those people who happen to came across my blog.

So it settles,
I register at Disted yesterday, going for SAM
which stands for South Australian Matriculation.
And NO I'm not going to Australia for that,
My family are not Rich enough to do so.

Starting at 13th June,
there's open day on 28th&29th May.
What are Open days for again?
Am I supposed to go?

Cameron Quiseng x)
Nuff said.

Ann-Marie got me talking non-stop about Cameron again.
I can't stop babbling about him when someone starts to ask about him.
Dai Yang Tian wasn't my first celebrity crush after all.
Cameron is. Heh.

Ann-Marie is an awesome listener by the way,
she listens and never asked me to shut up XD
Click here to read her blog ;)

Nathan, Zachary, Cameron and Michael.
Actually, I've got a soft spot for Michael too.
I like the way he see things judging from the way he tweets.

I'm not looking forward to work at KFC.
That's right, KFC.
I've been enjoying every single moment doing nothing serious for about a month,
I don't want it to end so soon =(
But weirdly, I really like the idea of studying and working at the same time.

By the way, the procedure to work for KFC is mentally tiring.
My mum and I spent two days droving here and there to get,
an injection before working there,
open up a bank account,
open another KWSP account,
taking passport pictures cause I'm out of it.

Bla bla bla.
Then later on went to buy a freaking belt [I had NEVER wore a proper belt].

I'm not ready to work,
I don't feel excited about working.
Argh. I need to change my attitude.

The picture says it all

So tomorrow is Friday the 13th
Doesn't come by very often.
I wonder what will happen tomorrow...

Oh and it rains today! =D
I woke up with a smile on my face cause it rains!!
Cross fingers it will rain tomorrow morning ;)
or afternoon xD

Boo Keong just told me a joke by Ann-Marie,

Brunette: "I heard this year's Christmas gonna fall on Friday.."
Blonde: "OH MY... Hopefully it's not on 13th.."

If you're a blonde,
no offense x)

P.S I want an ipod touch so bad .___.

P.P.S And also Allstar Weekend's album!! I NEED IT!!!

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

HB to Me!

Let's see...

In 2009, I announced the publication of my first-ever book, Cake Wrecks, which went on to become a New York Times' best-seller. (woot woot!)

In 2010, I launched my other blog, Epbot, which went on to become "that steampunk blog by the Cake Wrecks girl - you know, what's-her-name." (woot woot!)

Now here we are again, my birthday, 2011. How can I top these past two years? What big news will I break? What ground-breaking, trail-blazing new venture will I embark upon?


No, really. Have any ideas?

Nothing? Really? Huh.

[tapping teeth]

Well, I guess I could always try to find a good birthday wre...


Well, that didn't take long.

Let's see what else I've got in the ol' files here...

I'm not sure what this says about me, but all I see is "Happy bowel disease."

Well, praise B!

That's...not much better. (Does that really say "happiy?")

Theeere we go. Perfect.

Phew! What a relief!


Who's Walter?

And my personal favorite:

When obscene phone calls become cakes.

Well, as fun as that was, I still feel like I should be doing something a little more - I dunno - exceptional for my birthday post. Hmm.


I know!

There IS this little thing John and I happened to throw together last night...

And now, on the off chance you're experiencing some unconscious need to make me happy by pre-ordering yourself some wrecky goodness...[please please please???]...the goodness is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and everywhere else books are sold. Just think: all of your holiday shopping could be done in the next five minutes. Eh?

As a further icing carrot, here are a few fun facts:

- 232 pages of wreckage (yes, it's even longer than the first book. I, uh, got a little carried away.)
- gorgeous hardcover for prime gift-giving goodness
- approximately 75% all new content, with nearly 100% new commentary.
- Have I mentioned it's my birthday?
- and that it's only $14.99 (or less)?
- and said "please?"

Thanks to Michelle K., Jennifer A., Alicia J., John Y. (aka johnthehubbyofJen - because, yes, we look for Wrecks, too!), Amber T., & Lorraine D. for my birthday cakes.

The Words Get in the Way

My friends, there's an epidemic sweeping our nation's bakeries that I think you should know about: SPATIAL AWARENESS DISORDER.

And believe me, it's SAD.

It starts innocently enough.

First you might notice a few odd gaps in their writing:

Then they run out of room:

Then they decide to just keep going:

The next thing you know, the bakery's sense of scale is swinging wildly from one extreme to another, ranging from the microscopic:

To the titanic:

"We had to bake three more cakes to fit it all in, but we made it!"

Occasionally a wreckerator might recognize that s/he's made a mistake:

Thereby making it worse.

In its final stages, the SAD affect can get doubly bizarre:

Bakers lose all sense of gravity, distance, and direction...

...and even more disturbing: appropriate word placement.

To this day, Nanny still can't look the mall Santa in the eye.

Thanks to Chris S., Rebecca M., Marina C., Rachel P., Cindy E., Marc, Trish M., & Alison for finally exposing the third rail of cake decorating.
White x White was founded in 2010 by owner/designer Kristen White, who has owned a 10,000 sq. ft. retail store in Topeka, Kan., since 1987. Kristen has been traveling to Europe since l990 and her product designs are inspired by the homes, gardens and antique shops she sees on her antique hunting excursions. She launched a wholesale line at the winter gift show in Atlanta, and she will be exhibiting next month at the Dallas gift show.

In addition to being a product designer, Kristen is an artist and interior designer who saw the need for affordable home décor made of sustainable and natural materials such as willow, reclaimed wood, glass, iron and terracotta. The White x White mantra is “repurpose, reclaim, restyle.”

“We’ll offer buyers our entire line of home décor at the Dallas show, including furniture, lamps, baskets, statuary, lanterns, trays and mirrors, all with a hip vintage vibe”, said Kristen White, owner and designer, White x White.  “Our line was very well received at our first show in January and we’re excited to announce that White x White will have twice as many SKUs available to order at the summer markets.” 

The White x White space will feature a backdrop of brown kraft paper with aluminum grommets hung with heavy weight jute.  “Our booth in Atlanta was the talk of the temps.  We had so many positive comments about our booth including, not only the backdrop, but our cutting edge products as well.  Order response was tremendous,” White said.  
“I’ve been in retail for 24 years.  I know what other vendors offer, including their price points, and I have a good feel for what’s missing in the marketplace.  White x White is the start of some-thing huge and I’m so excited it’s finally off the ground”, said White.  “I’ve been a buyer at the Dallas Market Center for almost 25 years.  It’s a fantastic market and now I’m proud to be on the other side, as a vendor.”

Don't stop. Keep moving.

Found it on tumblr x)

I'm growing up, to be an mini adult soon.
Wait till it's my birthday, and I'd be officially eighteen.
I'll have my own rights, and wow.

I'm scared =/
I'm scared of changes, and I really miss being a kid.
Being an adult help so many responsibilities,
it's like the world wants you to stop having and be serious just about everything.
I hate that.

I'm glad I don't have to be someone I'm not.
My friends love me for who I am,
I think.

Allstar Weekend once quote that they take fun seriously,
and I'm going to keep that in mind forever.
I won't stop having fun and act mature all the time.
I want to continue doing silly things in public or get into minor trouble once all while.
And I know just the group of friends who'd be with me =D

Sue Ki, Joyce, and Atiqah.
There are countless of videos of us loosen up and couldn't care less of what the rest think of us.
There's once in McD after school, we took a video of us just being us.
Joyce tried dropping Ice-cubes into our shirts,
Sue Ki actually squeal REAL loud which make us laugh all over again.
Joyce purposely dropped ketchup on the floor and started shouting at Ash,

I swear, everyone was looking at us.
Ash was laughing so hard that she couldn't stop her weird laugh.
I was holding her phone video-ing it all,
I remember doubling over cause my stomach hurts from laughing and I hit my forehead right on the table... "BANG!"

It was such a loud noise =O
Other people stared.
And we continued laughing at each other.

So I'm planning on saving up money,
and live my dream.
So Im'ma go find a part-time job while studying ;)

Oolala I'm gonna have so much fun reading this post after ten years =D
Provided I can still keep on blogging.
guys, I just want you to know how much I miss ya'll =)
Joyce, Ash, and Ki.

High School would be so different without ya'll.
I had this crazy vision that the four of us could go 'fourplet' date with Allstar Weekend x)
Micheal is the egoistic dude, Joyce would be perfect for him.
Nathan is the sweet caring guy, he'd know how to take care of you Ash ;)
Zachary has two sides, he may seem sensible but he ISN'T at all, Ki wants him so yeah.
Cameron is the most random guy ever, I'd pick him out of four [HAHA I WISH]

This is really stupid but it came to my mind once and I just had to share it XD
But sighs,
that's the dream x)

Usually I'm more of a go-with-the-flow type of person,
but this time I think I might need to plan a little more for my future.

And one more thing,
I know the storm is over about my sister's [Sue Ki] haircut.
I honestly thought she would NEVER do that too ;D
She had long hair since primary up till lately.
I was the ugly one with short hair throughout primary =O

When I was form one only I decided to leave it longer than shoulder length.
But ever since, she's always the one with the prettier and longer hair.
So now =D
It's my TURN!
I mean, the longer hair part, not the prettier part.

I hope she's reading this cause,
Hey Sue Ki =)
I can do this now [points below picture]
[flips my hair gracefully]
Can you? ;)

That was uncalled for but I just had to XD
But honestly sister, you look great =)
You're still as pretty as ever and nobody thinks you're ugly so yeah.
Love ya! =D

P.S I'm NOT cutting my hair that short. Ever. I think.

P.P.S Twitter is better than I thought. Follow me if you wish to, @FWSuzzy.

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

Ideas for Father's Day gifts

Gifts for Father's Day - present ideas for dads

Gifts for Father’s Day are usually traditional and repeat year after year. Ties, golf balls, caps, wallets – these gifts may be good, but they are quite boring, so why not to think of something unique for your dad? Even though he is a man, he will greatly appreciate your attention and will value your gift through years.

A gift that has a personal approach is the best in any situation. Unique gifts for Father’s Day should cover your dad’s hobbies or favorite activities. What does your dad like to do when he has free time? Does he like fishing? Or maybe he enjoys digging in his old car in a garage. Think of something that may be useful in his hobby. Personalized equipment can be also very welcome as it won’t blend with tools of his friends.

Time can be also a great gift. Usually we don’t have much time to hang with our parents, so for Father’s Day try to free your schedule and spend this time with dad. You can do what he likes the most – go fishing, attend a baseball or soccer match, or play basketball. Another idea of gifts for Father’s Day is to encourage your dad to try something new. For example, you know your dad is keen on modern design and there’s a modern design museum in your neighboring town that dad has never visited. Buy tickets and make a ride! Or maybe your dad will enjoy golf master class with an experienced teacher. Such gifts are always very memorable.

Finally, gifts for Father’s Day can include simple “handyman” duties. Maybe your dad needs some help with his car or the house requires painting and your dad doesn’t have enough time or cannot do all work alone. You can spend the day with dad and help him at the same time, so such way of celebrating Father’s Day is definitely not the worst one. Finish the holiday with special meals, grilled meat or beer and snacks. Just like the majority of men, you dad may enjoy well-cooked food.

What Would Your Mother Say?

Because brunch isn't over 'til Mom asks, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hideous butterfly cake: $9.99
Download of Christina Aguilera's single, "Beautiful": $1.29
Convincing mom you weren't being sarcastic: Dinner at Red Lobster and three years of guilt.

So which is it? "I'm Love you Mom," or "I'm Love Mom?"

I like to think this one was inspired by Isaac Asimov:

The first law of moms: A mom may not injure her child or, through inaction, allow her child to come to harm. No matter how many times said child asks to go to the bathroom.

(And if you got that joke, you may now award yourself 15 geek points.)

Like they always say, "If Mather ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy."

Bringing all of her concentration and communication skills to bear, Jean was finally able to place the apostrophe correctly.

So, hey, that's something.

One thing you can always count on: moms will always love their kid's artwork. Always.

Ok, so maybe this one could use a few more plastic butterflies.

And finally, while I appreciate a good multi-use cake pan as much as the next dessert addict, I'm not sure it sends the most appropriate message on Mom's special day to give her the finger:

The string is to remind you of your proctologist's appointment later this week.

'Cuz, hey, even #1 Moms have to go #2!

Thanks to wreckporters Jody G., Meg G., Adriel H., Suzanna P., Laura H., & Anony M., who think that last cake is a real nail-biter.

Designers only: discount on linens and home accessories

Nancy Koltes fine linens has been providing luxurious linens and decorative home accessories since 1984. The company is known for classical colors, rich woven jacquards and timeless patterns in textiles including European down comforters and pillows. Its custom workroom allows interior designers to create custom linens and down products for their clients.