Its just one of those days...

When I feel like these people *points up*
cause it happens that I'm back to obsessing about
[silent screams]

I wonder how I go through this every single time.
It happens that I'd get obsessed with something REAL fast and then 'poof'
I would go back to normal.

So now I'm seriously obsessed with Final Fantasy.
Like, a nut case kind of seriously.
[you have no idea how much I feel like screaming right now xD]

My cousins was the one that intro me to Advent Children
Cloud is sooo hawt :O

The funny thing is,
when my first crush in high school learns that I'm crazy about Final Fantasy songs,
he went into trouble to find all sorts of songs from it for me :P
And that's how I got his attention LOL [and got into a crazy relationship with him]
I mean,
I was form one okay, and he's like form three?
Seniors hardly pay attention to juniors.
Up till now I still wondered what does he sees in me.

But oh boy =D
good times alright.

He sent this picture
as if to show me how romantic it is or something

Listening to songs like "Aerith's Theme" or "Tifa's Theme"
brings back flashbacks.
And I don't even need to close my eyes for that [hear that Taylor Swift?]

Taylor Swift - Love Story
I close my eyes, and the flashback starts.

So there, Taylor Swift!

I adore Advent Children more
Granted, cause I never watch others yet.
I even played the game!!
I want it back!!

So here I am,
spending the last twenty minutes printing sheets after sheets of music.
I'll definitely be spending lots of time playing endlessly,
trying to get the songs and the mood and the timing perfect.

I live for piano! =D

Edward Cullen playing the piano
makes him even hotter :D

So I have been driving back and forth to my working place.
No accidents.
I'm handling the car perfectly well, so far.
I don't think I'm allowed to drive on my own to anywhere I'm not familiar with yet.
My mum said no when I offered to fetch my sister from school yesterday!

Ah well,
I shall wait =D

P.S I need to watch Black Swan. Even though seeing people dancing ballet would be a slap in the face.

P.P.S I love my friends. Seriously. Always through thick and thin. They put up with my nonsense when I'm super hyper and couldn't stop talking crap. They put up my rage about little matters. And they put up with me when I'm not myself either. Thanks guys.

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

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