Sunway Carnival

Bloody tired right now =='
Slept around 3 last night, and keep waking up due to the freaking cold weather
Sis were no help either, keep stealing the blankets away from me!!
And it was really freezing!! D=
not that I really hate it always.. know...

and I woke up
Dahling sister got a competition to participate
In case you didn't know
It's Spell-It-Right Challenge
initials, SIR =D *awesome*
its at Sunway Carnival

Sue Ki, Yinn Wayne, Prev, and Wei Lun is representing our school
had to help her, and I learn quite some weird/unique/wth words as well x)
it starts at like...ten?? =='
*wonder what's the use of getting up so early*

This year damn lot competitors O_O
total 39 school!
and some of them are really, really freaking good..

Spend most of the time (after they had finish their turn) at Starbucks
Sipping the Caramel Hot Chocolate
*wonder where the pictures are*
and also Chocolate Fudge Cheese cake...not sure about the name though
Took pictures, testing Wei Lun with others since he's entering the Final Challenge
fun times fun times...
it's like the five of us are owning the place xD
parents and lil bros walking around somewhere else
and Cik Furziah stayed there to take pictures
*saw Florence and her parents too, it turns out that her brother is representing SMKBJ!*

Kinda feel disappointed at the unfair-ness
oh well, jealously make people do stuff

where to get em' eh....Hmm....
Fun day alright, except for one thing....
or should I say, one person..??


I'm tired of You
please, just leave me alone!!
I don't think you know my blog exist either =)

True friends. Thanks for being true =)
Haters. Too bad then. =D
Mine. Your the Best!! xoxo ly
Family. I love You x)

P.S I know everything. Or so I thought.


From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie

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