
I kinda made a vow not to rant so much about my parents
but sometimes..
I just can't stand it
she got that attitude
he got that attitude
I dno whether its me or them
but I seriously don't like the way they think at times

sure, they can be understanding and even see the funny side when we break some school rules
but there are still times when they are being stubborn
sometimes, I felt like I did all these just to show em' that they can't boss me every single time
but sometimes, when I know I was wrong
I'll admit it.

I know I'm not the perfect daughter
I don't bring good results
I don't act like I love you guys alot [working on it]
I don't know how to have the perfect manners
and sometimes I might even failed my ballet or piano exams
gimme a break
You have no idea what's going through my personal life
You have no idea, how hard is it to manage this all!
and you have no idea, that Now and YOUR time is WAY DIFFERENT

You make me feel I'm utterly useless
You make me feel I'm the worst thing ever
You make me feel so...Unperfect

No one is perfect
but sometimes, I just need to feel so
So I could hold on to my dear life

I felt so mad before
especially when you said "You're my DAUGHTER. I'm your FATHER!"
well, guess what I felt like shouting back?
no its now, "I KNOW THAT"
its more like

Ya, when am mad
my mind went really off

I have enough chaos in my life right now
Stop adding spices into it, please

P.S Stressed goes backwards and became [Desserts]

P.P.S How's annual luncheon peeps? =)

From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie

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