Fooled You!

If you're still trying to find that pesky paperclip in the photocopier, odds are you've forgotten today is April Fools' Day. Yep, this patron holiday of practical jokers everywhere can sometimes get a bad rap, which is why we've decided to focus on the good gags: the cakes you'd never guess were cake.

Wow. Alfredo noodles and pink icing have never looked more pizza-like. NEVER.
Prepare to purse your lips... amazement. Leggo my LEGO!

'Cuz that's what this is: LEGO. Not that I have to tell you that, of course. I mean, it's so obvious.

We should break out the champagne for this next one:

'Cuz that bottle of vino is smokin'! Kind of like a cigar would smoke. If it weren't actually a bottle of wine. Let's give a well-deserved tip of the hat to this groom's cake:

So realistic, it's like magic. Yessir, that cake is TOPS. Something something white rabbit.
(Did you get it yet? I'm running out of hints.)
And finally, there's a story that Giotto proved his skill to the Pope by painting a single perfect circle.
This is kind of like that. In a more base manner.
I'm sure Wreckporters Kimberly C., Sondra D., Fabiola G., Lu, Georgia F., Miles J., and Katherine L. would like to join me in saying: Happy Birthday, Ben! Because I never pass up an opportunity to tell the world that my big brother was born on April Fools' Day.

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