Dear Diary...

April 10th, 2011 - Today was my first day as a cake decorator at the local Wrecky Mart. My parents claim they warned me of this day when they told me not to major in Ancient Latin Philosophical Dance Theory, but I wouldn't trade those 14 years for the world!

Anyway, for our first lesson, Susan, the Bakery manager, taught me how to make a dog cake. I did it with an Ancient Latin flourish!

April 11th, 2011- My second day at the bakery. Susan was arrested this morning for stealing headcheese, so now I'm the Bakery manager. (And my parents said I'd never get anywhere with this job!) My first customer placed an order for a Spider-Man cake. I hate to brag, but I think I exceeded everyone's expectations:

April 12th, 2011 - I think I'm getting the hang of this! Three more orders filled today: one for a school spirit cake... for a Dora the Explorer cake...

...and one for Easter.

This decorating thing is a breeze!

April 13th, 2011 - Wow. I've been asked to teach an advanced decorating class at Wrecky Mart! I've learned so much since my early days at the bakery. How foolish I was then, making all of my cakes look the same! I was such an amateur.

Fortunately, I've since mastered the art of using color...

Evoking emotion...

And replicating Grimace from the old McDonald's commercials.

Who knew I could ever become such a master of decorating?

April 14th, 2011- Today I was asked to leave the Wrecky Mart. :( Something about me "flying under the radar for too long," and being a "complete sham" with "no formal training" or "talent of any kind." Clearly the upper management is threatened by my talent. Still, I'm not worried: I hear Mart Wrecks is hiring.

Besides, I got a lovely farewell cake from my associates - the ones I taught everything I know:

Viva los Ancient Latin Philosophical Dance Theory Academy!

Thanks to Heather H., Jen S., Manda, Donovan F., Dylett B., Stephanie V., Leslie W., & Amanda K. And, in the ancient words of my forefathers, "Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam."

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