400th post :D

So, would you? :D

Its been a pretty amazing day for me.
Even though I'm underage [note that my 18th B'day has yet to arrive]
I donate blood :D

The times you just want to be alone
and figure out what life is all about.

For what? To whom?
Well, that's the sad part.
Its for my grandmother.
She's been sick for a month, and now she's currently at ICU.
I don't know which is worse,
That the doctor told us to prepare for the worst two days ago,
her kids kept on clinging onto her, not wanting her to leave.

Hear me out before you start to throw things at your screen.
I have my reasons for sounding rather cold.
Which I'm not.

Expectations leads to hope,
hope leads to crash and burn.
What's the point really?

I'm this close to losing my mind these days.
Overwhelming much.
I hate my job, there, I said it.

And not to mention trips to hospital are making me sub-consciously nervous.
I kept bracing myself for the 'worst'.
No matter how much I tried not to,
I break down when I see other people crying.

I'd also like to dedicate this post [half of it anyway] to my grandma.
I have always called her "Ah ma"
She just celebrate her 89th birthday not too long ago.
I'm not close to her [sad to say],
I hardly talked to her unless when I meet her and I'd go over and call her "Ah ma" out of respect and also give her a hug when we said goodbye.

She doesn't understand English, only Hokkien and Mandarin.
Her Mandarin is not fluent so I guess that pretty much explains why we can barely communicate.
When she's around, the four of us siblings will be polite and tip-toe around her.
She's quiet, but talks a lot when she's talking to her kids.

My point is, I don't know her well.

This picture got nothing to do with what I'm blogging about LOL
Sorry =)

So yes, the blood donation thingy.
Apparently she needs two pint of blood.
And almost all of her kids have diabetics [yes including my dad],
her youngest daughter are not one of them but her haemoglobin level is low.
So my cousins [three of them who are all eighteen and above] went to test for their blood type.
They asked me as well to be a standby.

So, there I was, in the room.
Laughing with my 19 year old cousin from Singapore.
Turns out she couldn't donate blood due to her ear piercing less than a year.
Two more cousins,
One successfully donated a pint, and the other one failed.
Her veins weren't big enough.

I'm underage but what the hell,
I eat properly and such.
With my parents approved, they got me testing for my blood type first.

Nuf about that.
Then, the needle-sticking-into-your-vein-and-sucking-blood-out part.
Its... amusing.
I have no idea why,
but in these tension situations I always laughed.
Like, giggled at everything and start cracking lame jokes.
Yes I was scared,
and nervous,
and it makes me so "sssssssssssss" looking at my cousin's blood filling up a bag.

Nurse spray something which make my arm ice-cold,
[reminding me of Vampires from Twilight]
and I can barely feel a thing when the nurse poke my arm repeatedly.

Now, here comes the needle..

Another random picture =)
I'm sure everyone can relate to this.

To be honest,
the needle hurts.
Its big.
And .___.
Now my arms hurt like hell.
I can barely text properly.
I refuse to move my arms,
typing is easy cause my fingers is okay :D

But my arm -.-'
She tried looking for a fat juicy vein at my right arm.
I'm too fat -.-
She gave up and move over to my left arm =/

But you know what?
I feel great.
So in the end, we have two pint of blood for my grandma.
[again, I'M TYPE O!!!]

I don't wish for her to get well,
because who knows what happens if she gets better.
She can hardly talk anymore, and she barely eats.
If she's me,
I rather rest in peace.

If a miracle occurs and she gets better,
doesn't mean she can walk around and such anymore.
It'll still be sad.
I don't know.
Different people different thinking.
I'm not supposed to say this in front of her kids,
they will kill me for that.

I'm glad my mum agreed with me though.
And my sister, and my brothers.

P.S So I won't 'pray' for anything. Because I know what happens, is for the best. Its meant to happen after all.

P.P.S Did I mentioned I'm TYPE O?! I've ALWAYS wanted to be type O =D Be a universal donor!! You're looking at another future regular donor ;)

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

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