Pissed off much.

The times when everything just drives you mad.
But you hide some part of it in case it might scare the people you love away.
Yes I'm that scared.
Who knows me that well eh?
Who do I feel secure with to show the dark side of me?
Probably only my family,
and oh my dogs.
Day [the hamster] wouldn't notice whether I'm mad or not.
She'll still loves me all the same.

Enough of this crap.
Hmm, I got myself a drawing block.
Seriously what do I do with it?
Who am I kidding, I'll never be an artist.

Ahhh heck it.
I shall paint something random when I'm free.
Oh and I'm getting my P soon.
Just so you know in case you're not happy that I didn't tell you =)

Very addicted to Manga right now.
It makes me so happy to see happy endings!
Any recommendations? ;)

P.S So here I am, don't know anything about life. And I thought I had it all figured out.

P.P.S Talk about emo. [slaps self]

Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft

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