Random Events

Restaurant City is working and its fascinating O.o
haha!! It's kinda boring...cause ALL you have to do it to hire some of your friends to work for ya
and they will obey xD it's all your choice
in the other way..its rather amusing to watch your very own restaurant function by itself =)
sometime it's kinda retarded though =='
*oh well*

Lets see, was really mad earlier in the morning
ahaha, not surprising
I was rather cranky since last night actually
Nevermind about that

During Biology, in the lab
Was talking, and arguing with Lawrence when Rishi came and called me out
Went out, saw Tashy and Brandon out there too
Have to list down some people's name for the netball competition la
*and it is like, frigging next week?!*
*bloody crap*
and we don't even know how to play =='

1. Sue Yi (the damn blur Leader, wth)
2. Natasya Chiu (Tasha, hearts her! xD)
3. Nayli (Pro mia orang)
4. Ling Ling (the
loud lil cute sis)
5. Sharmilaah (loud, caring lil sis)
6. Manisha (extremely loud xD bossy lil sis)
7. Phooranasha (warden)
8. Syahirah (is she still a warden?)
9. Melissa Chiu (Tasha lil sista)
10. Jesselyn Yeoh (Jon lil sista)

Anyways, whatever la
I don't really give a damn whether we lose or win
teachers say so too =D

okay, moving on =)

I had my oral with Cik Furziah right at the time the school bell rangs
I stayed back though, so I didn't really mind
Went to Pejabat, and met Tasha on the way *thank God!*
was supposed to meet up with her at the canteen right after school
Anyways...I love my oral xD I mean, my speech x)
I talk about everything I had on my mind lately *Cik Furziah ish so supportive!*
and I felt proud of myself, mostly about my choices

okay, okay.
That's a lie.
I still feel a little sad whenever I talk about it
But you know something? I have no regrets at all
Why the hell would I BE?

Neeways, after my English oral
went to change with Tasha before we went makan-makan
and joined Ling, Milah, Manisha at the Mandarin's there
didn't noticed Tashy and Rishi was there too till Tasha ask where are they and Ling point out
*tom yam rocks!*
its spicy, its hot, and it makes my lips goes RED *mwah mwah*
haha, sorry, a lil bit off right now xD
Tasha loves the Tom Yam too =)
Manisha and Milah had been eating that too since I intro them the TomYam over there
xD TomYam TomYam TomYam!!
the sad thing, there are some stupid hawker sellers that make Tom Yam tasted to horrible =='

Walk back to school, holding Manisha's 100+ the whole time *cause she malas*
and went to Pondok with Tasha
Ling, Manisha and Milah didn't went there though
and I was still holding Manisha's 100+

Lets see
I threw Rishi's right shoe up to the roof thingy to make him shut up
*yeah well, Rishi and Tashy was there already =)*
We played Truth or Dare
its fun alright...I guess xD
Rishi used the 100+ bottle to be the spinner
He kena like banyak kali
Choose all Dares, few of the dares are rather boring come to think of it. The most interesting is the one where Tashy dare him to spin around a tree(?) saying "I love Henaaaa"
and yesh, he look retarded doing that xD
Tasha also kena like lotsa time
All Dares as well, one is to spin around, looking up in the air like she's in love all xD
Rishi's idea.

and the other one I remember, is to squat down and hold her ears. Rishi's idea =='
and to quack "I'm a lil dirty duck, quack quack". That's Tashy's idea. Don't remember the exact words too well though.
I kena twice, I choose Dares
1st, is to cooed over Tasha's hair, and act like I'm in love with her hair. Lol much? Rishi's idea.
2nd, is to kissed Tasha's nose ==' I Didn't Do That Kay! swt, another Bean's stupid idea.
Tashy damn lucky fella!
Kena once nee, Rishi dare him to say dno what to whatshername
and when he kena the second time, he was like
"Eyh, lets go ad la"
Blehh...he was scared he'll kena teruk from us xD

Netball practise. WTH?
No comment
Went back early too =(
Awwww shucks *I hate going back early!!*

Just remember something xD
Shalya and Joyce started it
They accidentally spill some of "The Secret Weapon" on the floor and Presto!! =D
We found out the way to make the Floor DAMN SLIPPERY
=) I knew what was it, so we kinda kept quiet about it

Any idea how hilarious is to watch people walking by and they slip?
Not fell though. And they were all like "WAO~!! WTF?"
and they will be like looking at the floor all, and asked us
Joyce will be like pointing up to the ceiling
which leads everyone thinking there's some oil dripping around *lmao wth*
I really had a hard time trying to keep my face straight from laughing or grinning

Joyce, Shalya, Me, Lawrence, Michelle, Hean Tee, Sin Beng, Saik Ann knows
We gang up and make the whole path way slippery xD
I had to laugh out loud else I'll probably be having hard time breathing
my stomach aches from laughing too much =='
Tomorrow will be another day....=)

P.S This post is rather loong isn't it x)

P.P.S Will post up another post REAL SOON, like now? xD

From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suzzy

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