Love is Blind

Once upon a time, Emotions lived freely around the space of the universe. There were Love, Anger, Happiness, Grief, Anxiety and others. Each of them were good friends to one another. However, they tend to avoid Crazy.
One day, Happiness cries out, "Let's play hide and seek!!"
Anger agreed furiously
Grief rather to be left alone
Anxiety was uncertain to answer
Love tends to feel excited
However, Crazy overheard them and said, "I wanna seek!! I wanna seek!!"

As much as they don't want to play with Crazy, they knew they had no choice. No one else would be as CRAZY enough to be the seeker. The game begins and Crazy counted to 50.

Happiness hid behind a tree
Anger hid by the slide
Grief was hiding in a tunnel
Anxiety wanders around aimlessly
and Love hid behind a bush..

The game begins.
Being his normal self, Crazy searched around the land aimlessly. He couldn't find anyone. He searched high, he searched low but he couldn't find them.

Then he thought, "If I used this stick, maybe I can search for them easily,"

Crazy totally forgotten about his game of hide and seek. He started playing with the stick. He pokes holes on the floor and flowers and others.



All the emotions was shocked!!! They left their hiding place and ran towards the sound. To their horror, they saw Crazy had poked Love's eyes.
Love's eyes bleed ceaselessly. Crazy Panicked!!

"Oh dear!! I am So so so so so so so Sorry Love!!" said Crazy.

But Love patiently responds, "Crazy, my friend. Now that you've blinded me. I simply asked for two simple request. First... You've to give me that stick so that I could walk without falling. Secondly, You must swear that for the rest of your life, you've to accompany me.."

From that day onwards, Love is Blind and is Always Accompanied by Craziness. That explains why people say Love is Blind.

P.S I love You

P.P.S Always will

From: Suzzy

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