Moving On

Here's an advice for ya
Whenever you're too bottled up alone, with all your stupid, stupid problems
of course, that Someone must be someone who is willing to listen to your rants =)
I found mine. Have you found yours?
Don't tell me there's no one at all
Cuz that's so frigging Not True

I was once unwanted everywhere, unnoticed, and being left alone.
True, there are friends everywhere, but who's the one who is there the whole time for me?
Someone who will never turn and walk away from me.
Someone who will never simply believes everything everyone else mention.
Someone who will never get tired of listen to my rants and still be there faithfully.
Someone who will always be looking out for me, yet respect the space I need when I wanted to be alone.

Reach out.
And that's how I found mine

No matter what happens next,
and if there's any need to move on
I will, no matter how much it hurts or takes to keep me going
Cause I know, Someone will be there for me forever..

And I'll be there for Someone forever too

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