Dance Baby Dance!

Wooots! Went out with Sha, Joyce and Kel once more =D
Kiki couldn't make it, neither Atiqah =/
Lazy wanna let ya'll know what we did this time hahah!
You wouldn't wanna know, seriously =)

Sha got me so addicted to Brands Outlet now!!
Love that shop ahaah!!
We tukar clothes and take pictures
Joyce bising yelling at us "STOP MAKING OUT LA YOU TWO"
Kel belanja BR =D [thanks!!]
Going out again soon this Wednesday =D
With my dance mates.

Got my colour contact lens already!!
Mine is purple and light grey
Kiki got Brown and Green.
Wore Blue before thats why nak try other colours see

Computer cacat. So gotta type fast =(
Erm. Owh yeah. Just got back from Hip-Hop Workshop.
Bloody forgot to wear Sport shoes.
Blisters all over under my feet now
Can't barely walk properly. Again.

Stalker is getting more and more irritating. Feel like whacking him wei.
Camp time there looking looking. Argh!!
Thats all I guess. =)

P.S Am not gonna lose you.

P.P.S Hugs and Kissies for the OIAM.

From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie

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