Everyday. Everynight.

Here's some updates ;)

- Joining a hip-hop workshop by year end. [23/11-27/11] Can't wait for it!!
- Giving piano lessons for someone by year end too. Gonna earn ten bucks per hour xD
- Ballet Intermediate exam coming REAL SOON. On 10th October. Cross your fingers for me! Will be at Ipoh at that time.
- Piano exam [retaking one more section] Grade 5 [yamaha mia, so its' diploma?] by year end as well. WISH ME LUCK!! I gotta sing =='
- SLEEPOVERS during year end. Make sure you make it if you're invited =D

Why all the updates is about year end wan eh xD

"What you had done. Wipe off my smile."
"I want Everything. You can't stop me."
"I'm sick of your empty promises. I waited. And You proved me wrong."
"Ain't trusting anyone anymore. Cause you're just the final straw."

Heart to heart talk with Kiki always makes me feel better
I can't hide my true feelings anymore
I knew this day would come
I knew we'd get drift away from each other not just by distance, but also our friendship
I don't know what to say
I don't know what to do
I'm just so confused, hurt, and disappointed
You seriously let me down, when I look up to you always.

Someone told me this before, and I could relate to it now
"I realized that even your own people, could let you down"

But that's not gonna keep me from smiling everyday
That's not gonna ruin my life
Perhaps, one day I'll be able to move on, without you around
And someday, I'll just able to remember you as someone important to me,
whom is no longer anymore.

Having this blue-black bruise on my knee due to my clumsiness =='
When will I learn not to fall that hard again? xD

P.S I'm done.

P.P.S Study Study Study [groans]

From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie

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