Recipe Requests
April Visiting Teaching Messages
French Breakfast Puffs

French Breakfast Puffs
3 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup shortening (Crisco)
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 teaspoons cinnamon
2 sticks butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease 12 muffin cups. Stir together flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg. Set aside. Pray. In a different bowl, cream together 1 cup sugar and shortening, then add eggs and mix. Add flour mixture and milk alternately to creamed mixture, beating well after each addition. Fill prepared muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until golden. In a bowl, melt 2 sticks butter. In a separate bowl combine remaining sugar and cinnamon. Dip baked muffins in butter, coating thoroughly, then coat with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Eat. Faint.
Ham, Mushroom, and Spinach Strata
This is delicious and a great idea for Thanksgiving or Christmas morning since you make it the night before. I got the recipe from my friend Alisha and the only change I made was adding some baby spinach. Thanks for sharing Alisha!
8 eggs
1 3/4 cups whole milk
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dry mustard
5 slices dense French Bread cut into 1-1 1/2 inch cubes
1 lb ham, cubed (I had deli ham on hand so I just sliced that up and it worked great)
1/2 pkg sliced mushrooms
8 oz grated cheddar cheese
1/2-1 cup baby spinach leaves torn into pieces (optional)
note: I used a little less ham and added 1/2-1 cup of baby spinach torn into pieces
Beat eggs; add milk, salt and dry mustard. Stir well. Add next 4 ingredients, stirring well after each addition.
I put it in a 2 1/2 quart DeMarle (silicone bakeware) mold to bake, if you do it in something else you'll probably need to grease it. Refrigerate overnight. Bake at 350 for 55 minutes. Let stand 20 minutes before inverting onto plate (you'll only be inverting this if you use a DeMarle mold, you can just serve it out of the pan if you're using something else) Slice and serve.
Orange Rolls
Best Refrigerator Rolls - from the kitchen of my Mom
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup shortening
2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup warm water
4 1/2 cups Better for Bread Flour - divided (note: my mom lives in UT and this works for her, I always end up adding a bit more flour here in OR, so you may need to adjust a little)
3 eggs, well beaten
2 Tbsp rapid rise yeast
Mix all ingredients together in mixer except for yeast and half of the flour. Then sprinkle yeast on mixture and add remaining flour. Mix until sticky. About 5 min. Place in lightly greased bowl and cover with a towel. Raise until double. About 2 hours.
Punch dough down and cover bowl with a damp towel. Refrigerate. (I make the dough the night before and then refrigerate it till whenever I'm ready to make it the next day)
Roll out as desired. Shape. (I divide the dough into thirds, roll each ball into about a 14" circle (about 1/4" thick) like a pizza crust and then use my pizza cutter to cut it into 12 triangles, then I roll them up into crescent shapes) Brush with melted butter. Place on baking sheets and cover lightly with plastic wrap sprayed with cooking spray. Let raise 2-3 hours. Bake at 350 for 15-20 min or 375 for 12 min.
Makes 3 dozen
2 Tbsp melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp orange rind (I use more)
1/2-1 tsp orange juice
1 cup powdered sugar
2 Tbsp orange juice
1/2-1 Tbsp grated orange rind
1 Tbsp melted butter
Brush filling onto rolls before rolling them up (and before they rise) so it's on the inside, then dip tops of rolls in glaze when rolls have cooled. Makes enough for 16-20 rolls.
More Cookie Jar Lids

My other 3 new Cookie Jar Lids are a Haunted House for Hallween and an Uncle Sam lid for the 4th of July and a red white and blue heart
The large lids are made with 3/4" wood and they fit the large glass cookie jar, which I also sell
My cookie jar lids are my # 1 seller check us out at
Spring is HERE!
The Best First Teddy Bear For Your Child By Iva Malese
My fist teddy bear was Gund teddy bear. Gund teddy bears come in blue, pink and cream and I can still remember how super soft my teddy was. Embroidered right above the teddy's heart was, "My First Teddy", with a satin ribbon that goes around the neck in the shade of the bear's color. If you are looking for a teddy bear by Gund for your child, the most popular size is 12 inch, which is just the right size for your baby to hold and cuddle with.
Other First Teddy Bears To Consider For Your Child
Very colorful teddy bear that babies love to look at is Baby's My First Thermal Pastel Bear. It is very light in weight and is made of thermal. When he your child gets a hold of this teddy bear it'll rattle every time he moves it and that will add hours and hours of giggling from your baby.
For your newborn, excellent teddy bear gift is Breathe Easy Teddy Bear by Asthma Friendly, especially since this teddy bear is asthma friendly. Besides their asthma friendly quality these little teddy bears are soft and friendly and your baby is sure to snuggle up to this little guy every night.
Geared up more for an infant is Nursery Rhyme Pal Pat-a-Cake Bear and trust me when I tell you they'll love it just the same, no matter the age your child is. Just push the buttons on your little teddy bear to make him sing to your little one and watch his face as he listens to it. You can expect your baby to start singing right along with the bear in no time at all.
The Cashmerino Baby Bear has its own cashmere sweater that comes off easily. The bear is made out of cashmere yarn, which is extremely gentle on baby's skin. The bear has sewn in eyeballs, but don't worry they will not hurt your baby. This gorgeous bear comes in 23 different shades, which means that there won't be a single teddy bear like him at the baby shower.
If your are struggling to put your baby to sleep, then Womb Sounds Mommy Bear can do the trick. When your baby was inside your tummy all the baby heard was your heartbeat. Now all of a sudden the baby hears everything around him. For some babies this is not an issue, however it can be very frightening for other babies. The Womb sounds bear helps in a way that it actually mimics the sound of a heart beating. Once you place the Womb bear inside the crib near your child it will help your child to calm down and fall asleep.
Another excellent first teddy choice for your baby is Blanket teddy bear. Blanket teddy bears are small fleece blankets that have a teddy bear attached from the arms up. The blanket bottom is made out of satin, which makes it soft enough for your baby to chew on.
These seven teddy bears described above will all make great pals with your newborn. Be sure you get a ton of shots of your child with his favourite toy. When the time comes, you can store his teddy bear for safekeeping.
If you would like to search for more teddy bear choices for your child, a great number of teddy bear types can be found on the "Ultimate Site For Teddy Bear Lovers". Besides teddy bear types you can also learn almost anything you want to know about teddy bears. |
Long Lasting Balloons!
Exams || Sleepover || Holiday
LOL. Seriously.
I never thought that studying in Form 4 would be so interesting.
Yesh. It's hard. But I had fun remembering facts and details in every subject
*okayy..I know I don't sound like me at this moment lmao*
I enjoyed every moment of answering questions that I know how to answer
Yet I got alots of questions that I do not understand at all xD
But still...I'm loving the feeling of being this smart ==' perasan-ness tsk tsk
I vowed to study harder than ever.
Especially Biology ;D
Omfg is the second sleepover I organized in my life and it's the BEST! =)
The first time was just Hean Tee aka LemonTee sleeping over for two or three nights lol I forgotten how long.
It was in last year December ;P
Ai Leeng, Kel and Prev can't make it =( *next time kay?*
Atiqah slept over for two nights =D
Vern Ern came over these two days but can't sleepover =/
Hean Tee came on the second day during the afternoon =)
Ryan came on the second day as well but during evening lol
The first night is like a girl's night =)
Me, Sue Ki, Atiqah, and Vern Ern
We find time to watch You Don't Mess With The Zohan and also
Made Of Honour lmao~
We paint our nails and we rate some guys in our school about their looks and their attitudes.
We gossip. We shouted. We laughed. We exchange secrets. We laughed more.
It's one night I will always remember especially when we turn off our bedroom's light off and to talk in the dark lol 8D
The second day,
I remember that the rest of us were bringing my Diamond & Blitz out for a walk when Ryan message me saying that he was at my house already.
We all ran the whole way up the hill just to welcome him (and his father was just driving down the hill and we saw each other xD)
==' lmao it was the fun part alright haha!
And we watch Ryan NigaHiga's videos together XD
Atiqah love that guy already, I don't blame her, He.Is.So.CUTE! ;D
We laugh like gila watching all the videos one by one haha!!
Almost fall to the ground and stomach hurts at times haha!
Hmm...later on after Vern Ern and LemonTee went for their tuition
we just talk endlessly and continue watching those hilarious videos xD
And then, we pick a movie to watch =)
You should had seen our living room ==' haha!!
Blankets on the floor, junk food provided well, and alotsa pillows to hug =D
And oh ohh, my Shmily (teddy bear, a gift from Hean Tee and Jia Yan) met her new best friend,
Ryan's Crawly (a dinosaur. I think?)
LOL Ryan just named it after we watch
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
and yesh, that's the first movie we watch xD
Half-way through it Vern Ern and Hean Tee came back from their tuition
We continue watching and then Vern Ern went back already =(
Still, it's a opportunity to watch HORROR MOVIES!! xD
she hate those movies
Dead Silence is pretty goooooooooooood!!
I love the twisted part as Ryan predict I would!
Boy, we all creep out easily that time x(
It was so creepy/scary/horrible and we all end up cuddling each and other xD
I was the luckiest in a way, I had everyone around me at that moment =D
Next, we watch Exorcist.
Okay. This movie is seriously like WTF?!
I don't mean like WTF-It's-Not-Good-At-All that kind,
*LemonTee and my younger brother purposely sleep through that movie lol, lucky them*
I tried sleeping too but SOME PEOPLE force me to watch it =='
xD you-know-who-you-are!
If you think you're brave. Try watching Exorcist. I BET YOU WOULD CRY TOO.
aint no kidding *shurgs*
After that nightmare movie, I wanted to watch SuperHero Movie
But my mum shooed us downstairs, ordering us to sleep now, if not~
It was already 4a.m something in the morning that time.
were so scared that time =='
US sister's room and my brother's room is connected through a bathroom.
So Ryan and LemonTee are supposingly to sleep in the Guest room, but nahh,
we still don't wanna sleep ;P
So they put their stuff at my bro room and we ALL hang out on my room lolx
on the bed of course
You know the times when you're like get scared easily because you just listen to a ghost stories or watch a movie?
Yes, we all WERE SOO totally in that mood =='
And thanks to Ryan, he scares us more that morning lolx
Talk, talk, talk half-way, he would suddenly call out "Billy!!"
WTF (Billy is the Doll's name in Dead Silence)
or "shove up your arse!!" from Exorcist =='
LemonTee and my brother didn't get it, but the rest of us SO DO ughh
and I thought Ryan said he freak out too....oh well, some people just can't bear to be lost their ego sometimes I guess~
We played Truth or Truth. *are you crazy?! No one would want a DARE AT THAT TIME!!*
And it was very....swt xD
Neeways, as time goes by, one by one, they fall asleep haha!!
Except for me and Ryan. We're the last to sleep.
We woke Hean Tee and Yeh up back to the guy's room.
Then I went over to their room and played Lego with Ryan =D
Ahh...reminds me of my childhood ^^
LemonTee woke up once or twice to talk to us, then fall asleep immediately lol
Later after finish building the most AMAZING Lego Building ever, I went back to my room.
And Ryan came over, and we just talk randomly.
Talk, talk, taaaaaaaalk~
Till it's 7a.m something. And I heard someone in the kitchen.
So we both off the lights and stay in the bed. Ryan went back to his room of course!
Then...we woke up around 8 something or 9 something.
All of them went back early, because my parents had decided to take us to Bukit Merah that morning.
It was REALLY FUN, will organize more sleepovers in the future =)
Mental note to self : invite SHIVYs next time for one!! If they can =D
Bukit Merah is fun too =)
Unlike last year, I played everything over there xD
Boomerang was the BEST!! Water Balloon is fantastic too haha!!
Tube slides are fun, but kinda normal. So is the Wave Pool.
Chairlift is kinda boring...
SkyCycle is definitely fun xDD and creepy too if you're scare of heights!!
Gtg now!! Tata!! =D
P.S Got terrible sunburn now ==' ARGH
P.P.S Sorry for the lack of updates lolx. So Sorry. Wasn't in the mood that's all.
P.P.P.S Missed you Waynie =)
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie aka Fuzzy Wuzzy Suzzy
Gift,The Bear,Teddy bear
A gift or a present is the transfer of something, without the need for compensation that is involved in trade. A gift is a voluntary act which does not require anything in return. Even though it involves possibly a social expectation of reciprocity, or a return in the form of prestige or power, a gift is meant to be free.
In many human societies, the act of mutually exchanging money, goods, etc. may contribute to social cohesion. Economists have elaborated theeconomics of gift-giving into the notion of a gift economy.
By extension the term gift can refer to anything that makes the other happier or less sad, especially as a favour, including forgiveness and kindness.
When material objects are given as gifts, in many cultures they are traditionally packaged in some manner. For example, in Western culture, gifts are often wrapped in wrapping paper and accompanied by a gift note which may note the occasion, the giftee's name, and the giver's name. In Chinese culture, red wrapping connotes luck.
Teddy bear gift
The name Teddy Bear comes from the November 1902 American President Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip to Mississippi, to which he was invited by Mississippi GovernorAndrew H. Longino. There were several other hunters competing, and most of them had already shot something. A suite of Roosevelt's attendants, led by Holt Collier,[1] cornered, clubbed, and tied to a willow tree an American Black Bear after a long exhausting chase with hounds. They called Roosevelt to the site and suggested that he should shoot it. He refused to shoot the bear himself, deeming this unsportsmanlike,but instructed that the bear be killed to put it out of its misery, and it became the topic of a political cartoon by Clifford Berryman in The Washington Post on November 16, 1902. While the initial cartoon of an adult black bear lassoed by a white handler and a disgusted Roosevelt had symbolic overtones, later issues of that and other Berryman cartoons made the bear smaller and cuter.
Morris Michtom saw the drawing of Roosevelt and the bear cub and was inspired to create a new toy. He created a little stuffed bear cub and put it in his shop window with a sign that read "Teddy's bear," after sending the bear to Roosevelt and receiving permission to sell the bears. The toys were an immediate success and Michtom founded the Ideal Novelty and Toy Co., which still exists today.
At the same time, in Germany the Steiff firm, unaware of Michtom's bear, produced a stuffed bear from Richard Steiff's designs. They exhibited the toy at the Leipzig Toy Fair in March 1903 and exported 3000 to the United States.
By 1906 manufacturers other than Michtom and Steiff had joined in and the craze for Teddy Bears was such that ladies carried them everywhere, children were photographed with them, and Roosevelt used one as a mascot in his bid for re-election.
American educator Seymour Eaton wrote the children's book series The Roosevelt Bears, while composer John Bratton wrote "The Teddy Bear Two Step" which, with the addition ofJimmy Kennedy's lyrics, became the song "The Teddy Bears' Picnic".
Teacher Gifts
Best Baby Gift Ideas
authentic FENDI multi color monogram fridge magnet set
part of FENDI multi color bag campaign in Hong Kong,
A Must have item for fendi fans

1000% authentic and new
Can be a fridge or white board maganetic
Comes with original package
6 magnet included
Size of each magnet 4cm x 4cm
Price: 8.99 only
Buy it now with paypal
Shipped via registered airmail
Delivery time:10-14 days
Item location: Hong Kong
1.Single type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "checkout"
2.Multiple type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "continue shopping" and
select"View other designer gifts" , once finish, Click "Add to cart " and update cart, then "checkout"
Return Policy
New and unused item can be returned within 7 days after receving the item. Buyer bear return shipping. Actual postage will be deducted when refund. We reserve the right for not refund if item is lost during return delivery, used and damage.
About iluvbag2005
We were a powerseller on ebay and received over 400+ feedback within 6 months. The reasons for quiting ebay was due to high comission fee and they often remove our listing even we are selling 10000% authentic designer brands. Check our feedback for confidence
No Bargain,thanks
Studio Five Again!
March Visiting Teaching Messages
Easter Candy Jar

This is a small glass candy jar with a hand painted 1/4" wood Easter Bunny Lid you can fill with treats for your special someone...makes a great inexpensive gift.
check out all my other items at
CATH KIDSTON spray flowers handbag (Japan version)
100%authentic ,Official Gift of Cath kidston Japanese guide 2009

Brand new in Box,book are NOT include due to weight
Style: Spray flowers (2009 spring summer collection)
Can be a shoulder bag or top handle bag
Color: white
Size :39cm x 29.5 cm x10cm
Price: GBP 15.99
Buy it now with paypal
Shipping are counted individually, please email us if you want to purchase more than 1 bag
Delivery time:7-10days
Item location:Hong kong
1.Single type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "checkout"
2.Multiple type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "continue shopping" and
select"View other designer gifts" , once finish, Click "Add to cart " and update cart, then "checkout"
Return Policy
New and unused item can be returned within 7 days after receving the item. Buyer bear return shipping. Actual postage will be deducted when refund. We reserve the right for not refund if item is lost during return delivery, used and damage.
About iluvbag2005
We were a powerseller on ebay and received over 400+ feedback within 6 months. The reasons for quiting ebay was due to high comission fee and they often remove our listing even we are selling 10000% authentic designer brands. Check our feedback for confidence
Dior x spur note book
100% authentic and new,Gift of Japanese Magazine SPUR 2008 11 issue

31 Illustrations draw by Marie Perron
Each girls wear a different dior bag
Very cute and must have item for Dior Fans
pages :64
Size 21cm x 14.5cm
Price: $7.99
Buy it now with paypal
Shipped via registered airmail
Delivery time:10-14 days
Item location: Hong Kong
1.Single type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "checkout"
2.Multiple type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "continue shopping" and
select"View other designer gifts" , once finish, Click "Add to cart " and update cart, then "checkout"
Return Policy
New and unused item can be returned within 7 days after receving the item. Buyer bear return shipping. Actual postage will be deducted when refund. We reserve the right for not refund if item is lost during return delivery, used and damage.
About iluvbag2005
We were a powerseller on ebay and received over 400+ feedback within 6 months. The reasons for quiting ebay was due to high comission fee and they often remove our listing even we are selling 10000% authentic designer brands. Check our feedback for confidence