This blog is jus to plug my website, I have worked very hard to build this site www.jusbcuzdezins.com
I take pride in every thing I create. I have so much to offer from my website. You can order anything from Full size milk cans to small wood cutouts.
I hand paint every order that I sell and I ship orders out within a week of the order.(Unless other wise explained) I take care and pride in each and every order placed. I let you know I recieved the order and when the order ships
You can order place mats, wood cutouts, kitchen items including cookie jar lids, paper towel holders, magnets, wall hangings, plaques, kleenex boxes, aprons, holiday items including wreaths, shelf sitters, decorations for all seasons
my usable items are things like cases, flower pots, ect.I hand paint every item and all items are originals
I only paint 6 of any one item because I don't want mass production on my items
So after 6 are sold I retire that item.
You can see all of my items by clicking on my website or if you have spicific questions fill free to email me
Once again please check us out and I hope you all have a wonderful New Year