This post, will be one of my masterpiece =D
I hope.
I hope a few years later, people who attend the
Prom Night 2010 by SMKHK
will read this post and review the best dinner ever!
Well, for me it is =)
I'm not saying everything has gone successfully
Its more of the fun and joy we create ourselves
We knew how to appreciate this dinner and WE TOTALLY GO FOR IT!
So yeah, I won't be typing that much [I think]
but to post up more pictures than I had ever did to show you guys what happened and so on as an evidence of that special night 29/12/2010
Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh :P
Group pictures! Pity Yew Jie HAHA
The guys were all looking smarter than ever ;)
BEST COUPLE!!Michelle Kwok and Goh Jin SenThey are the sweetest couple I've ever met!!
Another coupleVern Ern with Louis ;)
Erm... and this is Chao Wei looking like he's kissing me o_oHe wasn't aite! LOLHe's got a girlfriend and I'm not into him!I went to Gurney Hotel with Hean Tee [driver], Kuang Ming, and Lawrence to settle things in the ballroom
As usual, I wasn't really panicking yet as it was only ten something in the morning
I brought four bags with the keyboard -.-
I don't even bring that much of stuff when I travel around Indonesia!
Moving on...
Yes la yes la very pretty la =D*kidding*
Lawrence's guitar =DI like the look of it
Michelle was gorgeousLiterally mature looking kind =)
Note that Joyce was running over to Yee Hui when Michelle took a picture of herLOL MUCH LOOK AT JOYCE'S FACE
And then Yee Hui insisted Joyce to be in the picture as wellSo yeah... She just HAD to stick out her tongue to spoil this picYee Hui came later than us,
but we still got tons of time before they ALL went off to have their hair done
NOPE I did not do my hair
1st, I'm outta money LOL
2nd, I think its a waste of money on my hair LOL LOL
3rd, Seriously? On my hair? LOL LOL LOL
I'm just kidding, but seriously, my hair is... ahh nevermind =D
It's only prom, ain't my wedding. [pffft wedding]
MTV AWARD BEST COUPLD XDI love their prizes!!
The only teacher invited ;)She's the best, and definitely the coolestLove ya Cik Furziah!![Yes I KNOW I'm blurring behind there LOL]
Was playing "Down - Jay Sean&Lil Wayne" while they sangIt was kinda a failure cause we focus more on our dance than this =/
Michelle's boyfriend ;)
TA-DAAA!! OUR PROM QUEEN!!Woooooooooooo!! ;DWhen Yee Hui, Lawrence, and Kuang Ming left
Left Hean Tee waiting for Michelle and I was waiting for Onn Sun and Aun Wei to reach the hotel.
We had a heart-to-heart talk.
I looove heart-to-heart talk as long we were not bitching about each other ;)
I'm kidding, but yeah, he had been my close friend for five years.
I love him to bits =)
I took a bath, and Hean Tee left to fetch Michelle to the salon
Aun Wei and Onn Sun arrived after ten minutes
I accidentally locked myself out of the room -.-'
[stupid stupid Sue Yi LOL]
the guys had a good laugh when I told them,
but by then I went to get another card from the receptionist so everything was A-okay =D
I truly Enjoyed being an Emcee with Aun WeiWe argued endlessly like a noisy couple XDThis is why it was too easy to fooled everyone earlier than we're actually in a relationship HAHA
Kok Ken with Yee Hui*winks*
The dancers =DI LOVE YOU GUYS THE MOST!Yee Hui insisted that I stand in the middle, she said if she stand in the middle she'll look fat -.-'Shier Fern and I glared at her when she said that
You know, now I think about itKuang Ming and Joyce make a pretty good couple tooDon't cha think? =D
HahahahahahahahahahaHe's one of the best person to be around =)Hilarious and good-lookingAun Wei, Onn Sun and I had endless tickle fights + pillow fights in the hotel room
I'm always winning even though am a girl =D
Onn Sun and Aun Wei are always falling off the bed cause they are NOOBs
please don't kill me =)
Our dance =)it wasn't that nice to be honest, cause we didn't have much time to practice and perfect itI'm not in this picture btw LOL
We sang "Peng You" in english versionThis was a success.. and I did really feel like crying at that time
Hean Tee look super weird here lahLOL underneath is his dance costume
Joyce got the first prizeWHAT THE HELLSome voucher from Gurney Hotel
The starting of our dance =)I love our mask!!And you know what? Lemme just skip to the prom =)
Free dance was a success!
In case you didn't know, there's a short video of the guys like Chao Wei, Wilson, Lawrence, Kuang Ming and even Hean Tee! dancing =D
The video wasn't good though, it was too dark and you can't see anything LOL
I definitely remember dancing with Joyce, Hean Tee's date [LOL LOL], Chao Wei, and so on
That was my first time dancing a free dance
I guess it is because there's only one teacher there who'd understand us teenagers xD
Thank you CIK FURZIAH!!
Told ya he danced ;)Chao Wei showing off his break dance skillsWOOOOOOOOO!!
This was before the prom startwe were doing our dress rehearsal
Khai Wei arriving looking smart =)[he's the guy who drew boobs on my PJ shirt]
Tasha and Shalya vaining in the girls' bathroom=DThe games were quite successful as well
To be honest, I hadn't expect everyone to be participating and all!!
I guess its true eh,
that the amount of fifty people is the right amount to have a dinner/party
Too many people would lead to groups that got left out and so on
And less people would be a bored
I'm so proud of those who came to the dinner that night!! =D
The rose [Suk Ching] among the thorns ;)I don't know what is Kuang Ming doing -.-'
Lawrence: "Shhh don't tell my girlfriend"Hahahahaha!!
AhemLawrence and Yee Hui =)
Us girlsJoyce and I sat down to pose elegantly LOLWe both wore purple!!I'm rather ashamed of myself about the piano/guitar performance =/
I did very badly
lack of practice again LOL
We played canon in D and Down by Jay Sean & Lil Wayne =)
It was a mess
I felt so malu after that
Mehhh ._________.
Us girls w/o JoyceJoyce: "WOI WHAT ABOUT ME?! *runs in later*"
A decent group picture of all of us!!It was taken after we sang ;)
Kuang Ming and Wilson Teng
Joyce and WilsonBoth smart-a$$
Yee Hui and JoyceWhy does she look smug? LOL
Joyce was the most dirties Emcee I had ever met
After prom, while we're taking more pictures,
she still continue to talk dirty
Joyce: "Oh hey everyone!! Just now prom time I forgot to mention something."
Everyone: "What? [all attention on her]"
Joyce: "Guys, please meet my girls. [Sue Yi & Hean Tee started laughing, cause we knew what she's gonna say]. Mary-Kate [gesturing to left boob], and Ashley [gesturing to her right boob]"
I swear
The guys were all like mouth-open and girls were shrieking with laughter
Joyce: "And this? [showing her butt to everyone] Is Lady Marmalade. "
Everyone: O_____________O
So yeah, that's pretty much Joyce for everyone XD
Joyce: "Oooh, can you shake like mama?"Hean Tee: "Oh YES I can!! [tries to shake but FAILED]"
Newspaper game!Kuang Ming paired up with JoyceJoyce was too heavy got him to carry HAHAHA
Everyone look so smart and pretty that night![ignore Yew Jie's mouth please]
Joyce and Tasha =)
Swee Ting: "DRINK FASTER!! I WANNA WIN!!"Yew Jie: "[in pain] I'm too tall la HOW TO WIN?!"lmao I simple add my own version of conversations xDNewspaper Game.
It was an entertainment watching them trying their best not to step out of the newspaper XD
More pictures about it later
But this I gotta tell ya ;)
As I mentioned earlier, Joyce and Kuang Ming paired up
So yeah, the game goes like this.
Couples will have to stand on the piece of newspaper and are FORBID to step out of the newspaper
in every round, the newspaper will be folded into half again and again ;)
So yeah, it gets tougher to stand together
One of the most famous trick is for the guys to carry the girl
But boy oh boy
Joyce was too heavy for Kuang Ming XD
He tried, he really did!
They kept falling and Joyce being Joyce
she was super proud of her weight and calmly announced she's OBESE
I've never met anyone like her.
Really =)
Wilson, Onn Sun, Kuang Ming, Aun WeiI TOOK THIS PICTURE =D
Another group picture ;)can't find me can cha?
The newspaper game xDThree couples!
Dress rehearsal before promHean Tee, Onn Sun, Lawrence and Yee Hui
PROM KING AND PROM QUEEN!!I don't like Aun Wei's face expression though -.-'Don't know how to smile izit!?Andrew and I were the only ones who knew who's the Prom King and Queen
at that time, Aun Wei and I were paired up together as Emcees
I didn't tell anyone else, especially not him =D
I'm so proud of you Aun Wei
That's Andrew ;)
Ahh this is the Spoon Feed + Baby Bottle game.More about it later =D
Kok Ken with Aun WeiSo gayyyy :P
Kuang Ming =D Our best DJ!
Another group picture but this time we go WILD!!WOOOOOO!!!As for the Spoon Feed + Baby Bottle game
is another couple game as well
We randomly pair them up [four pairs]
The boys have to feed the girls cake as fast as they could without choking them and the girls are NOT allowed to do anything else other than chewing like hamster
When done, the girls will have to hold the baby bottle and the boys will have to drink as fast as they could without touching the bottle.
It was fascinating.
Especially when the boy was too tall, so the girl had to tiptoe and the guy had to bend down
Sorry that I'm such a sadist [coughs]
Chao Wei: "Can you go any low, low, lower than this? I don't think so!"Damn, he can be a limbo champion XD
The boys =D
Onn Sun got a teddy bear!!Sue Yi: "Aiya, he'll sure give Janice wan lah"Audience: "Ooooooooo!!!"
Hean Tee was the chairman =)A good one too, THANK YOU HT!!
Singing our hearts out in English/Mandarin versionLOLThere's another game which are not in any of the pictures so far LOL
It's called the Eye Game
We make-up the boys and some girls,
took their eye pictures, and let the audience guess which eye belongs to who
I was one of the victim LOL
And Thiam Seng [the birthday boy on that day] got it right!! =D
Hean Tee: "Okay Kuang Ming and Joyce, you're disqualified. Joyce too fat already, you need to go on diet."Joyce: "YEEEEEEESSS!! I DON'T CARE!!! WOOOO!!"[I did not make this up]
Oo La La I love my dress colour!
Looking at the lyrics printed on the bookletand sing =)
Yee Hung wearing a fairy dress =)
Eat Eat EAT!!!
AhemLook at Aun Wei and Yee Hungthat was what I meant earlier, the height =P
Both of them look so good together!!
Joyce, Cik Furziah and I=)Waltzing was super romantic
Guys was spontaneous, they got up and request the girls for a dance or so
It was so sweeet! =)
I was like "awwwwwww" throughout the whole time
Onn Sun hide away at the DJ area
while Kuang Ming and Joyce slow dance
Vern Ern and Louis
Yee Hui and Lawrence
John Shen and his date
Aun Wei with the Prom Queen Swee Ting
and many more
Lights were dimmed and Onn Sun played the song "So Close" from the movie Enchanted
I truly feel like crying on the spot listening and watching everyone slow-dancing as the best they could xD
I did waltz for a while, with Aun Wei.
But only for a short while cause it didn't feel right.
I guess I can't really slow-dance with just anyone =)
Aun Wei and Yee Hui =D
Tiffany with her blue dress =)
Suk Ching and Yin Hong as a couple ;)
Our dance!!!
Joyce hair was covering my facethat is why my face look..smaller? LOL
Joyce, Shalya, and Tasha!
Jin Sen carrying Michelle during the Newspaper gameTHEY WON!! ;)
I feel like this post is getting boring -.-'
I mean seriously, this long?!
I'm getting tired of listening to the voice in my head as I typed as well.
So sorry, not really in the mood to be cheerful and make this post hilarious.
I'm getting rather emo going through all these pictures.
Wishing that day would last forever.
Wilson and Lawrence dancing! Good dancers wei
See See See
Joyce and I were erm...Dancing some...weird moves I DNO LOL
Oh boy. Look at their face expression =DJoyce will never stop surprising anyone
I don't like keyboards xDBut what to do, no piano there
Canon in DThank you Lawrence! Hugs!And hey,
one more thing
Just go through the pictures okay.
It worth looking at them =)
This looks rather wrong...
Louis feeding Vern Ern ;)
Best Dancers in the house!!!
Suk Ching and Hean TeeChao Wei and Iwas blocked by HT xD
Yew Jie got the third prize!!I wonder what's inside?
AhhhThis is our special door giftSponsor by Joyce's dad!
Tasha looking pretty!! =D
The indians who stubbornly refuse to fast fance or slow dance xDkiddingthey did joined us in the end ;)
Michelle and Jin SenThey look really good together, don't they?Once when they broke up, everyone was like WHY?!
Thank You for being my friend for these past five years Love you lots Hean TeeOh right.
How could I forgot the dares.
Seriously, what's with Yew Jie's face?! -.-'Heard he was sick though
Wilson and Andrew =)tak biasa seeing Wilson wearing glasses!
Sue Yi: "[the famous sly look]"Joyce: "[the famous bimbo look]"
Girls with Cik Furziah =D
Joyce look so...arrogant and beautiful here![sorry Joyce XD]
Group picture!
Aun Wei without his suit HAHA
Michelle is one of our photographers ;Da good one too DUH
Told ya we're dancing weird moveswith Lawrence pretending he's controlling us xD
I personally think Irshad is the best-looking malay guy in our school ;)and that's Nazirul on right
Dance Floor!!
See, even Kuang Ming fall on his butt when he tries to piggy back JOYCEHAHA JOYCE HAHA=DThe night was still young
so we decided to play Truth or Dare
well, its more like Dare or Dare LOL
Joyce is the expert in this game
So I pass the mike to her and went to sat at the VIP table with Aun Wei and Onn Sun
She randomly called Yew Jie, and Tiffany up on stage
Joyce dare him to hug her for ten seconds
Everyone was like "OWWWWH!!!"
Aun Wei hate his shirt and his tie and his suit xDYew Jie look pretty smart with a tieSo different from school days
Yin Hong, Chao Wei, Hean Tee
All the boys with Cik Furziah =)
Jin Sen holding the best couple prizesTake a closer look at it ;)
When everyone first arrived =)The second dare was for Louis to carry Vern Ern for ten seconds
Everyone was like "Awwwww"
No pictures though sadly =/
Third dare was for Yee Hui and Lawrence
they are supposed to run away the room in slow-motion and shouting
or something like that
but Yee Hui so shy xD
And the forth dare...
the victims were Onn Sun and I
The banner =)I love it!!
Yes yes, this was the forth dareMore about it later LOL
Finally a picture with Joyce =DMA WHORE!
He looks really good that night =)
I think Suk Ching cried while singing the songAwww hugs!
OMG I LOVE THIS PART!!This is where we follow the song"Put your hands up in the air! Put your hands up in the air!!"Joyce dared us to kiss
Not literally kiss, there will be a piece of paper in between our lips
but still!!!
and we had to hug onto each other
This is not the worst dare I had ever done
but it was so awkward!!
And Joyce suddenly pulled the piece of paper away!!
And NO our lips tak kena each other okay. LOL
And Led Gan took a video of everything!!!
I love Shier Fern dressSo pretty!!
Dress rehearsalsYee Hui hiao on stage HAHA
Andrew, Aun Wei, and Joyce took the trouble to come early to make sure everything is okay
Yee Hui with her maskSo sexy lor XD
I danced with Kathry [Hean Tee's date]and we were laughing so hard at ourselves =DDo watch some of the videos Ling Led Gan had posted in Facebook
There's our FREE DANCE part
Announcing Prom King and Queen [Aun Wei was like what?!]
Announcing the BEST COUPLE
The forth dare [why only the forth dare?!]
and us singing off-tune [Hean Tee sang like a frog] together
Watching it made me smile...
I have no idea what were we looking at =DBut that's how candid works!!
Yeah...I was pretty high that night XD
Wedding dressKuang Ming solo!!
Sorry Shier Fern,But I didn't wanna to be the only girl standing in front :P
Joyce: "I'M NOT FAT! I'M OBESEEEE!!!"Kuang Ming: "Hana Hana we all know that la!"There's so much things to be share about that night
we kept laughing and hugging while singing
we danced, and cheer or boo someone together
How could this not be the best dinner ever??
Newspaper game =)Michelle holding Jin Sen tightly!
Henry and Veera ;)
Oh great. Look at my face.Looks like only the guys were ready for the camera
I remember this!!I HAD to give her a high-five right after she introduced her Mary-Kate and Ashley to everyone
Kuang Ming, Aun Wei, Louis, Vern Ern and Yee Hung =D
Dammit JoyceSometimes I think you really should stop grinningLOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE HERE!!And oh right.
Today it gonna be the last day of 2010
It has been a rather great year for me =)
What about you guys??
If only I smiled...and also if I was holding cash.
We texted for a spilt second to wish Atiqah Happy BirthdayWe were so busy, that was when we're finally free!
Told ya they look pretty sweet together=D
The first dareYew Jie hugging Tiffany =)
Annd...guys will always be guys
Sue Yi: "Everyone vote for Prom King and Queen ad right??"Them: "Yes yes Sue Yi yes"Wow, am bossy ain't I?
Ling Led Gan =D
HAHAHAGotta love this picture!Look at Chao Wei!!! XD
Pure happiness Shier Fern on left with Michelle ;)
She got the second prize!!A MP3!!!I might, or might not be blogging about New Year and get all touchy touchy later
I'm having cousins coming over to my house to countdown together
I dislike countdown at malls
Overcrowded and its pretty much too havoc for me LOL
Joyce and Andrew =)
Best Emcees!!Kidding =DI'm so gonna miss him when he leaves for NS =(
John Shenour pro photographer =)Thank you so much for coming and helping us out
Hawt Mama's in TOWN!
Hean Tee and Tasha!
They won the Spoon Feed + Baby BottleCONGRATZ!!
The Head and the A$$LMAO
Waltzing!!Told you it was romantic right!!!*runs off to find her dream guy to waltz*I'm feeling rather emotionally right now
Friends are leaving, here and there, everywhere
Aun Wei and Hean Tee will be gone
Onn Sun off to college
Atiqah will still be in school
Joyce off to study in KL or Penang I forgot
You know what sucks the most?
Everyone close to me had their plan mapping our for them already
they know what they want
and when they are leaving
Everyone seems to be...ready.
Joyce pulls off the paperAnd Onn Sun loses his balance I guess cause I kept leaning backwardLOL SORRY!!
Thank you for comingI love you guys
Yin Hong singing =)
Michelle you're one lucky girlbetter hold onto him right aite =D
She's bubbly and funnyI like her instantly =DCosta Rica? Or not?
Psychology? Or not?
What part time job?
What about NS?
I don't feel ready at all.
I felt like I should stay in high school still.
WaltzIt made my day seeing everyone so happy
Vern Ern and Louis ;)
Told ya she's gorgeous!!Shier Fernwith her sweet looking angel look-alike face
Wilson TengHe's screwing his biological clock after SPMHAHA
After announcing Prom King and Queen =)
The boys were wild xDOH CRAP!!
I just realized I miss out another dare!!
This dare, Suk Ching had to lick Thiam Seng's face
Heeee so sweet! XD
And Veera had to lick Henry's
Everyone was laughing and cheering them on
This picture reminded me of the dare xDSorry I left out this part earlier!
I love seeing my face twisted into different kinds of face expressions XD
Best coupleCik FurziahProm King and Queen
They daaaaanced spontaneouslyon the spot!!
Another evidence of1) Kuang Ming not strong enoughor2) Joyce is too heavy
Andrew and Wilson singing =)How am I gonna get ready?
I want to be free, to do whatever I want
But life's not like that.
Once you reached 18
you'll have to be prepared to face the world, and the cruel society.
Girls cheering the guys on as they danced!
Suk Ching so Hot with her dress!=D
I really, reallywant that night back
Tasha, Shalya, Swee Ting, and Gim Shiang
The BallroomIts pretty isn't it?
Yee Hui hiao again with the camera this time =DHAHAHA
Chao Wei: "Faster Faster Faster!! Say Aahh"Suk Ching: "Wait la! [chews on like a hamster]"In less than one day
I will be considered as an eighteen year old person
no longer the sweet seventeen
Time does flies so fast when you're having fun
doesn't it?
For years since Form 1 I had been watching the seniors graduating one by one
and now,
its our turn.
I love you all =)
I might be forgotten by some of you in a few years time or so
but what I know,
is that nothing can make me forget the five awesome years I had spent in SMKHK
P.S At least I'm going out tomorrow!! Zickry, Ann-Marie, Boo, Ash, Kiki, Sun, and Wei ;)
P.P.S Special thanks to Hean Tee, Joyce, Aun Wei, Dancers, and Cik Furziah.
Suezie aka Darkling Lovecraft