There are times when I wish there's no Sue Yi
There are times when I wish I can just stay invisible
There are times when I wish I could speak up with confidence
There are times when I wish there's no Me lurking around feeling moody
If only the ones that I lost didn't leave our world
If only I can make everything okay so easily for everyone
If only there's no misunderstandings or betraying people
If only I can prevent some things that are terrible to come
What if I had no exist in this place, this world?
What if I had no regrets about my past, my mistakes, my choices?
What if I had no feelings or desires for anything at all?
What if I had a totally different live from now?
Let's say I am an outcast, and totally left-out person in everything
Let's say I am mentally weird, or crazy, or whichever that scares people
Let's say I still have my loving nature even when I am mad
Let's say I still remained selfless although people hates me
Will you still love me?
The world must have gone mad
I start talking in riddles, and yet I haven't find a way to solve it myself
That's all for today viewers =)
P.P.S Waynie!!! I.Need.You
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
CHLOE bow hair accessories
CHLOE bow hair accessories
gift of Japanese fashion magazine SPUR 2009 4 issue,available on amazon japan too

1000% authentic and comes with original box
Chloe logo embossed at the corner
Can be a ponytail holder,hair band or bracelet
Comes with rubber band and ribbon parts
Size bow 10cm, ribbon 60cm long
Color Bronze metallic
Ship as registered airmail
Price $11.99
Buy it now with paypal
Delivery time:10-14 days
Item location : Hong Kong
Save US$2 when purchase other type designer gifts
1.Single type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "checkout"
2.Multiple type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "continue shopping" and
select"View other designer gifts" , once finish, Click "Add to cart " and update cart, then "checkout"
Return Policy
New and unused item can be returned within 7 days after receving the item. Buyer bear return shipping. Actual postage will be deducted when refund. We reserve the right for not refund if item is lost during return delivery, used and damage.
About iluvbag2005
We were a powerseller on ebay and received over 400+ feedback within 6 months. The reasons for quiting ebay was due to high comission fee and they often remove our listing even we are selling 10000% authentic designer brands. Check our feedback for confidence
View other designer gifts
gift of Japanese fashion magazine SPUR 2009 4 issue,available on amazon japan too
1000% authentic and comes with original box
Chloe logo embossed at the corner
Can be a ponytail holder,hair band or bracelet
Comes with rubber band and ribbon parts
Size bow 10cm, ribbon 60cm long
Color Bronze metallic
Ship as registered airmail
Price $11.99
Buy it now with paypal
Delivery time:10-14 days
Item location : Hong Kong
Save US$2 when purchase other type designer gifts
1.Single type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "checkout"
2.Multiple type item: Click "Add to cart " then click "continue shopping" and
select"View other designer gifts" , once finish, Click "Add to cart " and update cart, then "checkout"
Return Policy
New and unused item can be returned within 7 days after receving the item. Buyer bear return shipping. Actual postage will be deducted when refund. We reserve the right for not refund if item is lost during return delivery, used and damage.
About iluvbag2005
We were a powerseller on ebay and received over 400+ feedback within 6 months. The reasons for quiting ebay was due to high comission fee and they often remove our listing even we are selling 10000% authentic designer brands. Check our feedback for confidence
View other designer gifts
A Great Give-Away!
We want to hear from YOU! Yes, you! Are you reading our blog? Is anyone out there? So leave a comment on this post and we will be randomly choosing ONE LUCKY PERSON...
for a $20.00 gift certificate to our store!! Use it how you want...keep it for yourself and stock up on chocolate cinnamon bears for your secret stash! Or get a great balloon bouquet for your little one's party. Or "go green" and make sure the Leprachaun stops at your house this year... the options are endless! (haha)
The deadline is Saturday the 28th at midnight. One comment per person, please!
for a $20.00 gift certificate to our store!! Use it how you want...keep it for yourself and stock up on chocolate cinnamon bears for your secret stash! Or get a great balloon bouquet for your little one's party. Or "go green" and make sure the Leprachaun stops at your house this year... the options are endless! (haha)
The deadline is Saturday the 28th at midnight. One comment per person, please!
Me.Me.ME *yesh am vain, so what?*
Your Birthday Predicts You're Outgoing |
You find humor and joy easily. When things are rough, you are still optimistic. Your friends always inspire and delight you. You're always looking to add to your social circle. You need to be around other people to feel truly happy and energetic. |
I find that quite true...I guess?
Oh well *shrugs*
You Are Apple Juice |
You are playful and fun. You try to bring levity to situations. While you are entertaining, you're not very hyper or mischievous. You are laid back, low key, and even a bit sensitive. |
Apple juice?!
I thought I will be some kind of weird, weird, WEIRD fruit juice =/
I like what it's describing about me,
but whether it's true or not, it's another matter xD
You Should Live in the Suburbs |
For you, the suburbs is the perfect compromise. You can enjoy the city as much as you want, but you have a quiet, safe neighborhood to come home to. |
Sorry for the lack of my poor English..
But whatthehell is a Suburbs?! =O
Hmm...I think I'll do two more quiz xD
You Are Intelligent |
Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself. You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books. You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life. You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world. A good friend, you always give of yourself first. |
This is creepy...O_______O||
You Would Win Best Actor / Actress |
You have a strong personality. You love attention, and you can command an audience of any size. You tend to be a bit obsessive. You're the perfect person to immerse yourself in a big role. You're both empathetic and expressive. You understand and communicate well. |
If only.....*swoooon* xD
That's all for now!!
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Updating xD as usual?
Loookie lookie!! Suezie is baaack!!
Sorry for not updating for ages!!
I can't believe I didn't blog for this long O_O
Having problems lately =/
But everything is fine now =D
I just still need to talk to WAYNIE *eh-hem?!*
Will update more in the next post
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Sorry for not updating for ages!!
I can't believe I didn't blog for this long O_O
Having problems lately =/
But everything is fine now =D
I just still need to talk to WAYNIE *eh-hem?!*
Will update more in the next post
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
When Life Hands you Lemons...
When Life Hands you Lemons... MAKE LEMONADE!!

Do you know someone who could use a lift? A laugh? A little inspiration?
We have a little section of goody bags that might give someone their smile back. Here are a couple more examples...
"When you're walking on a ROCKY ROAD, remember to keep on walking!" (yes, we have the Rocky Road candybars to go with this one!)
"Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant...Hope your day gets better!" (we have cellophane bags with dogs on them)
All of these bags are darling and very inexpensive. Come grab a few to give away - it will make YOU feel good knowing you've made someone else's day!
Happy Giving
Caught by the Acting Bug!!
7th of March =='
That IS a really short time for us to ace our plays
But, we get to wander around and shout and eat-our-hearts-out during the night in our school =D
I like that part the most 8D
Went to YMCA Building today ;D
Performance larh~ tak apa apa xD
Acting. Acting. Acting
Ohhhh~ I would seriously just swoon if the play is GOOD =D
No offence, but plays that are boring will just, you know, bores me .__.
And so, I wouldn't go hyper about it xD
Okay, back to YMCA thingy.
Met up with the rest of my fellaz and we do some freaky warm-up
*I like 'Silent Laughter' the most*
Everyone woke up around 5 something I guess....zzZZ
We had rehearsals, and breakfast *absolutely love it* and we got a room to ourselves xD
Dam, all the memories =D
There's this old guy, 72 years old I think. He gave speeches that he had a dream.
And he pretend to sleep xD lmao
Coincidentally, the song that I was supposed to sing in our play is "I had a dream" too O_________O
Everyone clap like mad when I start to sing the first line, whatthehell?
and I had to SING LOUDER, if not, Janet will screwed me for not singing loud enough =='
Nothing much after that. We were so proud of ourselves yada yada
Then we changed. Took group pictures. Yada yada
Got souvenirs and reward from the Stepping Stones *were so surprised!*
So we plan to meet up AGAIN. And go PARTEYYY =D
Can't wait for that day ;)
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
That IS a really short time for us to ace our plays
But, we get to wander around and shout and eat-our-hearts-out during the night in our school =D
I like that part the most 8D
Went to YMCA Building today ;D
Performance larh~ tak apa apa xD
Acting. Acting. Acting
Ohhhh~ I would seriously just swoon if the play is GOOD =D
No offence, but plays that are boring will just, you know, bores me .__.
And so, I wouldn't go hyper about it xD
Okay, back to YMCA thingy.
Met up with the rest of my fellaz and we do some freaky warm-up
*I like 'Silent Laughter' the most*
Everyone woke up around 5 something I guess....zzZZ
We had rehearsals, and breakfast *absolutely love it* and we got a room to ourselves xD
Dam, all the memories =D
I had a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope, with anything
There's this old guy, 72 years old I think. He gave speeches that he had a dream.
And he pretend to sleep xD lmao
Coincidentally, the song that I was supposed to sing in our play is "I had a dream" too O_________O
Everyone clap like mad when I start to sing the first line, whatthehell?
and I had to SING LOUDER, if not, Janet will screwed me for not singing loud enough =='
Nothing much after that. We were so proud of ourselves yada yada
Then we changed. Took group pictures. Yada yada
Got souvenirs and reward from the Stepping Stones *were so surprised!*
So we plan to meet up AGAIN. And go PARTEYYY =D
Can't wait for that day ;)
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Random Stuff
As Ryan says, we are definitely the best customers there xD
LMAO we went there for several times in a month!!
Love the cheese powder over there x)
Wasn't particular in a good mood lately,
too much things to think
Too much choices to make. Hope there will be no regrets for me though!!
You guys know what I mean ;)
Ohh ohh, and the dance =='
Argh. So many things, so little time
=( life is just soso saad
Am being a bio freak now =/
Not influence by my mum. It's just that I'm suddenly inspired by it to learn and know every detail about it... That doesn't sound like me at all O.O
Am so bored right now :(
Aih...let's talk about the Guest =D
Okayy, this is my first time meeting such a pathetic person ever.
Tsk tsk. I don't really believe that you're not from my school either.
Who knows? You might be really smart enough to act it all out *a compliment for ya, happy?*
You might my close friend, hating me, wishing that I was dead or something =='
Ohh, by the way. Do I really know you? Are you even that close to me?
*don't fake it buddy, you HATE people who fake remember? xD*
Or you just randomly got bored of your life so you pick a victim *me* to torture.
Ain't working saddo =)
I got more to blab about ya, just so you know that I still care to spend some time blogging about you in my post xD
WAHAHAHA~ ohh, shove it, I'm lame I know
By the way, I think I know who you are.
P.S No regrets so far!! =)
P.P.S Gummy bear ROCKS =D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
As Ryan says, we are definitely the best customers there xD
LMAO we went there for several times in a month!!
Love the cheese powder over there x)
Wasn't particular in a good mood lately,
too much things to think
Too much choices to make. Hope there will be no regrets for me though!!
You guys know what I mean ;)
Ohh ohh, and the dance =='
Argh. So many things, so little time
=( life is just soso saad
Am being a bio freak now =/
Not influence by my mum. It's just that I'm suddenly inspired by it to learn and know every detail about it... That doesn't sound like me at all O.O
Am so bored right now :(
Aih...let's talk about the Guest =D
Okayy, this is my first time meeting such a pathetic person ever.
Tsk tsk. I don't really believe that you're not from my school either.
Who knows? You might be really smart enough to act it all out *a compliment for ya, happy?*
You might my close friend, hating me, wishing that I was dead or something =='
Ohh, by the way. Do I really know you? Are you even that close to me?
*don't fake it buddy, you HATE people who fake remember? xD*
Or you just randomly got bored of your life so you pick a victim *me* to torture.
Ain't working saddo =)
I got more to blab about ya, just so you know that I still care to spend some time blogging about you in my post xD
WAHAHAHA~ ohh, shove it, I'm lame I know
By the way, I think I know who you are.
P.S No regrets so far!! =)
P.P.S Gummy bear ROCKS =D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Until Next Year...
Whew! It's over! I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day... we sure did! Thanks for being patient with us if you came in and it was busy! We normally have 3 girls working at a time - and this week we have had anywhere from 4 to 7 on at a time... just to make sure every customer got taken care of.
It is so fun to help every person that comes in try and find that perfect gift. Especially the men who don't have a clue! You can see it in their eyes as they walk in looking bewildered and confused. We train our employees to greet them and take them under their wing - asking about what they need, what their budget is, and who they are buying for. It really is gratifying seeing someone go home knowing that they are excited to give their gifts and make their loved ones happy!
So thanks to everyone who shopped with us this Valentine's Season! Hope you were happy with all the choices we had and the darling gifts you took home.
Now we can start THINKING GREEN!
Buzzing Bee
Retarded. Annoying. Stupid. Guest =)
Stop stalking me blog larh youuu
Hate me? Tell me straight face-to-face
NOT by stalking my blog =='
That's so pathetic. Low-life creature xD
Sorry sorry, shouldn't had insult you =D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Stop stalking me blog larh youuu
Hate me? Tell me straight face-to-face
NOT by stalking my blog =='
That's so pathetic. Low-life creature xD
Sorry sorry, shouldn't had insult you =D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Today is a very special day alright =)
Whether you are with someone, or not
Am single. But still celebrating with my friends, G.Sis & Bro, Families =D
No one says is all about being with your partners only!! is in the air *swooooon*
Went crazy in the morning at school ;)
I pick flowers *oops! Rule's broken!* and gave em' to whoever wants it xD
Dutying time, walking around and say 'Happy Valentine's Day' like some orang gila pulak!
Not much people came to school today though =(
Wanted to kacau someone but that person didn't came...aih too bad
Year Round Valentine
I love you all through February,
Not just on Valentine’s Day;
I cherish you when flowers of spring
Appear in the midst of May.
I adore you in the summer,
When the air is filled with heat;
Without you in my life each day,
I wouldn’t be complete.
I treasure you in fall,
When leaves are turning gold;
I loved you when you were younger;
I’ll love you when you’re old.
I prize you in the winter,
When colder days are here;
I love you, love you all the time,
Every minute of the year.
So I’ll give to you this Valentine,
But I want to let you know,
It’s not just today, but always,
That I will love you so.
By Joanna Fuchs
Love this poem no? x)
I just so LOVE doing these quiz =)
Pretty much all the results
Dear Guest,
Stop being such a pessimist larh. For God's sake it's Valentine's Day!! Can't you even give it a rest? =(
Do stop leaving any comments. You are making some people really mad ya know? Not me though x)
Go get a life. You sound like you need to chill out or something.
Suggest that you go hang out with your friends or your soulmate right now =)
I gotta go people. Sorry about short post =(
P.P.S Wanna say sorry to someone out there....=/
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Whether you are with someone, or not
Am single. But still celebrating with my friends, G.Sis & Bro, Families =D
No one says is all about being with your partners only!! is in the air *swooooon*
Went crazy in the morning at school ;)
I pick flowers *oops! Rule's broken!* and gave em' to whoever wants it xD
Dutying time, walking around and say 'Happy Valentine's Day' like some orang gila pulak!
Not much people came to school today though =(
Wanted to kacau someone but that person didn't came...aih too bad
I love you all through February,
Not just on Valentine’s Day;
I cherish you when flowers of spring
Appear in the midst of May.
When the air is filled with heat;
Without you in my life each day,
I wouldn’t be complete.
When leaves are turning gold;
I loved you when you were younger;
I’ll love you when you’re old.
When colder days are here;
I love you, love you all the time,
Every minute of the year.
But I want to let you know,
It’s not just today, but always,
That I will love you so.
By Joanna Fuchs
Love this poem no? x)
Your Valentine's Day Personality is Friendly |
It's not exclusively a romantic holiday for you. You like to celebrate with your friends too. Valentine's Day makes you nostalgic for cute cards and cheap candies. You love the idea of a Valentine's Day where everyone feels included. |
I just so LOVE doing these quiz =)
Pretty much all the results
Dear Guest,
Stop being such a pessimist larh. For God's sake it's Valentine's Day!! Can't you even give it a rest? =(
Do stop leaving any comments. You are making some people really mad ya know? Not me though x)
Go get a life. You sound like you need to chill out or something.
Suggest that you go hang out with your friends or your soulmate right now =)
I gotta go people. Sorry about short post =(
P.P.S Wanna say sorry to someone out there....=/
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Quick update for viewers ;D
I was sick. Stupid stupid STUPID fever .__________.
It makes me feel like dying, eh wait, I FELT that I was DYING already that moment of torture!!
If I ever wish I was sick. Eat me people =/
And guess what? You could actually survive without eating for 24 hours or more when you are SICK
I find it fascinating =D
What a way to be on diet!! LMAO XP
Okay, erm...lately lately...
Sadly, this year no selling valentine's gift or doing delivery for the stalkers or admirers =(
Not enuf tyme larh..
Aihz...oh well!!
And about my status in my facebook. Yes, I AM single now.
I just broke up with him today 13/2/09
Long story. I still love him though =)
gotta go!! I still need lotsa rest!!
P.P.S WAYNIE!! Where.The.Hell.Are.You.Right.Now?!
P.P.P.S It's 13th FRIDAY 8D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
It makes me feel like dying, eh wait, I FELT that I was DYING already that moment of torture!!
If I ever wish I was sick. Eat me people =/
And guess what? You could actually survive without eating for 24 hours or more when you are SICK
I find it fascinating =D
What a way to be on diet!! LMAO XP
Okay, erm...lately lately...
Sadly, this year no selling valentine's gift or doing delivery for the stalkers or admirers =(
Not enuf tyme larh..
Aihz...oh well!!
And about my status in my facebook. Yes, I AM single now.
I just broke up with him today 13/2/09
Long story. I still love him though =)
gotta go!! I still need lotsa rest!!
P.P.S WAYNIE!! Where.The.Hell.Are.You.Right.Now?!
P.P.P.S It's 13th FRIDAY 8D
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Heart Shaped Cushie Pillows 1/2 off!! (Regularly 15.00)
Red Twinkle Valentine Lights 40% off (Regularly 13.29) - Wouldn't it be cute to decorate your breakfast table with lights on Valentine morning? Your kids would think they had died and gone to heaven with lights and a couple treats set out when they wake up!
Valentine Greeting Cards 40% off!
Just a reminder that we have TEACHER GIFTS - tomorrow is the last day to tell your kids' teachers that they are super sweet!
We are having a ton of fun down at the store! Come in and see all our cute stuff!
Red Twinkle Valentine Lights 40% off (Regularly 13.29) - Wouldn't it be cute to decorate your breakfast table with lights on Valentine morning? Your kids would think they had died and gone to heaven with lights and a couple treats set out when they wake up!
Valentine Greeting Cards 40% off!
Just a reminder that we have TEACHER GIFTS - tomorrow is the last day to tell your kids' teachers that they are super sweet!
We are having a ton of fun down at the store! Come in and see all our cute stuff!
Dear Guest (unknown people)
My blog is an eyesore to you? Aww..ain't that sad?
I think it will do you some good if you would just go visit a doctor or something =)
I could pay the bills for you ya know? *hugs*
Puh-lease larh! LMAO I was seriously LAUGHING OUT LOUD when I read the comment you wrote there =D
It's just so pathetic that it makes me pity you =/
If you're writing all those so-call hurtful words just to make me mad or whatsoever.
Well, let me tell you a secret.
It ain't working saddo =D
Is this what you do all day? Stalking people's blog and sending stupid messages like that XD
Is that your hobby or something? Hmmm...I might want to do that too...maybe..
Am not going to be so low as you ;)
Gawd there's so much more that I wanna write to you =)
Ohh OHH!! Here's what you wrote to me in case you've forgotten ;D
There! That make you famous now eh? Happy?
*yawn* I gotta go now people
Hope ya'll sincerely enjoy this post!! xDD
Oh one more thing. If this is a dare or something. Go figure!! xP
And if you're cursing me for posting this. So sorry then =(
P.S Feeling extremely GIGGLY after posting this post x)
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
I think it will do you some good if you would just go visit a doctor or something =)
I could pay the bills for you ya know? *hugs*
Puh-lease larh! LMAO I was seriously LAUGHING OUT LOUD when I read the comment you wrote there =D
It's just so pathetic that it makes me pity you =/
If you're writing all those so-call hurtful words just to make me mad or whatsoever.
Well, let me tell you a secret.
It ain't working saddo =D
Is this what you do all day? Stalking people's blog and sending stupid messages like that XD
Is that your hobby or something? Hmmm...I might want to do that too...maybe..
Am not going to be so low as you ;)
Gawd there's so much more that I wanna write to you =)
Ohh OHH!! Here's what you wrote to me in case you've forgotten ;D
- Guest
Damn it.I am sick,disgusted and tired of the crap i am looking at.What an eyesore.
- Details
- 2009-02-09 12:15 PM
- #
- Guest
hey,you noob.**** off and stop trying to promote/display your "infamous" god bro and god sis.It is getting rather irittating and annoying.
- Details
- 2009-02-09 12:02 PM
- xSueziEx >> Guest
oh, and one more thg xD d more u insult me or or my blog or my frenz. d more i'd be LAUGHING at u =)
- Details
- 2009-02-09 3:55 PM
- #
- xSueziEx >> Guest
if ur so sick of me and my blog. why are u even here? OMFG ur jz so funny xDD and yar, ur very entertaining in a way xDD
- Details
- 2009-02-09 3:54 PM
There! That make you famous now eh? Happy?
*yawn* I gotta go now people
Hope ya'll sincerely enjoy this post!! xDD
Oh one more thing. If this is a dare or something. Go figure!! xP
And if you're cursing me for posting this. So sorry then =(
P.S Feeling extremely GIGGLY after posting this post x)
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Countdown to Valentine's Day
I can't even begin to describe how busy it is for us this week! It is a mixture of fun & craziness. By the end of the week we will have blown up thousands of balloons, made thousands of goody bags, and hopefully pleased at least a thousand of our wonderful guests! Our fingers will be sore from tying balloons, and we will most likely be a bit sleep-deprived from staying up late filling orders. But we love it. Just a few pictures of some of the items you can find this week...
Darling jewelry. Lots of necklace/earring sets for under $15
Home decor... just cute little signs and such.
Gift baskets
Ooodles of candy
And lots of gift bags! We have things made up for teachers, moms, sisters, friends, kids, girls who think boys suck, and of course, your sweetheart!
YSL manifesto tote bag and heart shapedUSB keychain
After Queuing for 2 hours and we finally got the bag. This time the size of tote bag is larger than before and the quality is better,despite still minor loose lining stick on the inverted logo. The heart shaped USB has 1GB capacity and loaded with manifesto video. It comes with a thin nylon strap which can be a necklace too. The manifesto comes with 8 page stickers too.

Last time white manifesto bag were giveaway

Last time white manifesto bag were giveaway

Answering Lingz question ;)
So, what's my dreams and wishes?
When I read that last night, it really makes me start thinking.
It's just a simple question. Yet it contains something more than we could realize.
List of my Dreams & Wishes
- Becoming FAMOUS and well-known for my Acting, Writting, Dancing, and Music's ability. And ohh ohhh!! Also my personalities xD! I've always wanted to be someone memorable ;)
- Be Rich. Filthy RICH. Oh yeaaa :P Okay, money is NOT all, but gawd!! There's so much things that I've always wanted to collect!! *or rather, buy*
- Meeting challenges. Facing em'. And Kick-Their-Asses =D
- Meeting people whom will leave their footsteps in me x)
- I don't want a perfect life :) It would be too boring *yawn*
- Just staying true and be myself always.
xD? Weird dreams and wishes I know..but that's true! Hmph!
Gotta go!! I blog about three post in a row already ahaha!!
P.S Missing you Waynie....TWIT
P.P.S Working on a Story, Song, Dance and....PLAY
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
When I read that last night, it really makes me start thinking.
It's just a simple question. Yet it contains something more than we could realize.
List of my Dreams & Wishes
- Becoming FAMOUS and well-known for my Acting, Writting, Dancing, and Music's ability. And ohh ohhh!! Also my personalities xD! I've always wanted to be someone memorable ;)
- Be Rich. Filthy RICH. Oh yeaaa :P Okay, money is NOT all, but gawd!! There's so much things that I've always wanted to collect!! *or rather, buy*
- Meeting challenges. Facing em'. And Kick-Their-Asses =D
- Meeting people whom will leave their footsteps in me x)
- I don't want a perfect life :) It would be too boring *yawn*
- Just staying true and be myself always.
xD? Weird dreams and wishes I know..but that's true! Hmph!
Gotta go!! I blog about three post in a row already ahaha!!
P.S Missing you Waynie....TWIT
P.P.S Working on a Story, Song, Dance and....PLAY
From: Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
What kind of kid I was?
You Were an Active Kid |
You were very hyper, and it was hard for you to sit through class or finish your homework. It's likely that you were a natural athlete and a natural entertainer. You loved to play outside with your friends. You were an outgoing, popular kid. Put you in a sports game or a school play, and you really shined. |
Cheap Baby Gift Ideas
Need a cheap gift to bring to a baby shower? below is the answer.
Random. Updated. Post
I'm going crazy soon. Argh.
And oh yea, Facebook is not that complicated anymore =)
I barely went to my Friendster profile already and people still add me there =='
Tsk tsk. Poor em' xD They gona have to wait looong~
Suha going out with some other people tomorrow.
Can't make it though =(
Feel like crying. Sigh.
Oh well. What to do?
Some people ain't updating their blogs again!!
*hint hint*
Muahahahaha~ =D
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
And oh yea, Facebook is not that complicated anymore =)
I barely went to my Friendster profile already and people still add me there =='
Tsk tsk. Poor em' xD They gona have to wait looong~
Suha going out with some other people tomorrow.
Can't make it though =(
Feel like crying. Sigh.
Oh well. What to do?
Some people ain't updating their blogs again!!
*hint hint*
Muahahahaha~ =D
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Promoting someone xD
Am promoting my dear little sister this time ;D
Lingz aka Ling Ling *omg her name is just so cute larh!!*
Here's her link, check it out too kayy? =)
P.S New blogger.Not really...haha! Don't pressure her as well xD
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Lingz aka Ling Ling *omg her name is just so cute larh!!*
Here's her link, check it out too kayy? =)
P.S New blogger.Not really...haha! Don't pressure her as well xD
From : Darkling Lovecraft aka Suezie
Sad & Happy O.o
I'm gonna start ranting about something sad. *warned*
My aunt just died on Thursday night, around 9pm something. We all know about it on 10pm.
I cried badly =/
Seriously, and it gives me headache >_<
My aunt, she is like forty years old only? And she got three little kids!
9, 7, and 3 years old kids!!
Imagine how it feels like to lost your mother at these ages...
That's when I starts to cry...sigh
Stupid lung cancer.. I never thought that she'd passed away after these three years of struggling through the challenges!
I thought she'd recover little by little, as in like a miracle!!
But. Miracles? Pfft. I don't believe in them anymore.
It gets my hopes high and then just throw it all down right to hell or something.
Godness know what happen to all my hopes already.
And her husband. Oh-My-Gawd!
Let's just imagine losing your beloved father and soul mate within 100 days... and yes, his father is MY grandfather whom passed away last year end.
Those of you whom read my blog once a while should know about it.
He must have gone through hell or worse.
I just can't believe that both of them are....gone..
I still can't even take it that my Best Friend is gone is going to be one year soon and all..
*screams silently in my head*
Okay, I decided not to rant about it. Enough about this unfortunate events.
Thursday and Friday stay back was fun.
But not entirely for the whole day on Friday =( *something happened*
Friday is memorable, in both ways.
Went to US Pizza and afterward the nearest playground. *wish some people was there with us D=*
It would had been better with some people as well.
We still had fun though =)
As I say, one word to describe of that day = Memorable

I gotta go already. Still got things to do.
Tata for now!! =D
Love ya readers xP
P.S My knees is screaming out loud because I'm so bloody clumsy to get it hurt. OUCH!
P.P.S Working on the G.B ;)
From : Darkling Lovecraft
My aunt just died on Thursday night, around 9pm something. We all know about it on 10pm.
I cried badly =/
Seriously, and it gives me headache >_<
My aunt, she is like forty years old only? And she got three little kids!
9, 7, and 3 years old kids!!
Imagine how it feels like to lost your mother at these ages...
That's when I starts to cry...sigh
Stupid lung cancer.. I never thought that she'd passed away after these three years of struggling through the challenges!
I thought she'd recover little by little, as in like a miracle!!
But. Miracles? Pfft. I don't believe in them anymore.
It gets my hopes high and then just throw it all down right to hell or something.
Godness know what happen to all my hopes already.
And her husband. Oh-My-Gawd!
Let's just imagine losing your beloved father and soul mate within 100 days... and yes, his father is MY grandfather whom passed away last year end.
Those of you whom read my blog once a while should know about it.
He must have gone through hell or worse.
I just can't believe that both of them are....gone..
I still can't even take it that my Best Friend is gone is going to be one year soon and all..
*screams silently in my head*
Okay, I decided not to rant about it. Enough about this unfortunate events.
Thursday and Friday stay back was fun.
But not entirely for the whole day on Friday =( *something happened*
Friday is memorable, in both ways.
Went to US Pizza and afterward the nearest playground. *wish some people was there with us D=*
It would had been better with some people as well.
We still had fun though =)
As I say, one word to describe of that day = Memorable
The picture of that day!! I got lots more in my hp ;D

I gotta go already. Still got things to do.
Tata for now!! =D
Love ya readers xP
P.S My knees is screaming out loud because I'm so bloody clumsy to get it hurt. OUCH!
P.P.S Working on the G.B ;)
From : Darkling Lovecraft
Chanel mobile art tote bag sac borsa
The tote bag is a press release gift for Chanel mobile art. Only 50 released in worldwide. much limited and special than a ordinary chain bag, The bag has different prints on each side with large capacity. Serial number inside ,Comes with authenticity card too. you can get a authentic chanel product without paying huge price.

The guide is a gift for vistor

Price for the bag and the guide is USD $899
Free Fedex shipping to worldwide
accept paypal

The guide is a gift for vistor
Price for the bag and the guide is USD $899
Free Fedex shipping to worldwide
accept paypal
Jusbcuz Mouse Pads

I have these very cute 8" circle mouse pads for sale
They are fabric face rubber back with my personalized logo on them
I offer free shipping in the United States for this item
They are very cute and I sell them for $5.99 each
There is a bright pink pig under a yellow flower, a black and white cow under a blue flower and my web address is printed on them also
Order your Valentine Balloons EARLY!

Here is a SPECIAL DEAL for all you blog readers! Order your Valentine balloons by Tuesday the 10th and receive 10% off your entire balloon order! Above are just a handful of the Valentine balloons we have - you'll have to come in to see all the rest! The sooner you come, the better the selection! Valentine balloons are just a must, aren't they? Kids get so excited when they have their very own bouquet!
p.s. If you haven't been in our store lately - now is the time! It is FULL of flippin cute gifts, goodies, candies - etc!! You really won't believe your eyes. Come in and see!

The Studio 5 experience was awesome! It was fun to show off our cute ideas and meet some new people. We have had a lot of calls, emails, and new guests come into our store because of the show... so thank you to KSL for giving us the opportunity! The picture above is of our two managers, Callee (on the left) and Emily (on the right). Here is the link online:
We want to start HEARING from everyone out there! Are you reading our blog? Is anyone out there? Leave a comment on this post and we will randomly select one LUCKY person to receive a $20.00 gift certificate to our store! Contest will end Saturday the 28th at midnight.
Life goes on...
Am sorry for not updating for days.
Just posting this to let ya'll know that I'm still alive and well =D
Gotta go!! Homework definitely sucks =(
From: Darkling Lovecraft
Just posting this to let ya'll know that I'm still alive and well =D
Gotta go!! Homework definitely sucks =(
From: Darkling Lovecraft
Coach mouse pad (magazine gift of W Korea)
Coach Mouse pad,Magazine gift of W KOREA 2008 oct issue,
very rare,part of Coach compaign in Asia,1000%authentic and new

Size 24x20.5cm
Pink CC logo print
this items is all sold out , plz view our other listing
Please View other Coach gifts (from $12.99)
COACH x ray multicolor scarf (FREE Shipping)
COACH x steady logo mirror(new)
very rare,part of Coach compaign in Asia,1000%authentic and new

Size 24x20.5cm
Pink CC logo print
this items is all sold out , plz view our other listing
Please View other Coach gifts (from $12.99)
Coach x Baila hair band /scrunchies
Studio 5 Here We Come!!
WAHOO! We just found out that we will be appearing on Studio 5 on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd! We will be showing about 10 of our gift ideas to the world! Tune in at 11:00 on Channel 5 to cheer us on!
Japan.Italy. =D
Woot!! I love Japan xD
I had been crazy about Japan since I was young
Can't remember what makes me crazy about it though *shurgs*
Neeways, Momo is coming to SMK Hamid Khan!!
Oh YAY! xD Can't wait for the days to come
She's 17, but gona stay at the same class with Suha (her elder brother went Japan last year already)
Sweet-looking, cute, ADORABLE, soft-spoken, full of wonder, FRIENDLY, and very SOCIABLE =D
I love people who ain't afraid to speak to strangers *swoon*
I dunno. I just do ;D
Okay, for those people whom are blur about what I was talking about.
It's about a program, where countries exchanges students and all.
I got the form already *winks*
Besides, my mum really encourage me to do so, she's been telling me about since I was Form1 =D
Was aiming for France, Spain or Italy..
France is a little bit more expensive so I just let it go. need to learn it's language for at least TWO years before going there. No time, no time!!
So left Italy, which happens to be my first choice ;)
Does of you whom don't know ANYTHING about ITALY.
I pity you larh wei. Tsk tsk.
Lots of people go there for their honeymoon. Why? Cos' it's the MOST romantic place EVER!!
Romance in Venice & Rome

Venice is generally supposed to be just about the most romantic city on earth. And it's true, it really is. Even those who hate cliches can't deny the romance of this unique and captivating place. But if you arrive in the height of the tourist season, with gawping crowds blocking your every move and noisy school parties shouting above the din of their mobile phone ringtones, you may wonder why on earth you came here to declare love, propose marriage or enjoy your honeymoon. So my advice is to plan ahead, pack a map, and set off to escape the crowds. Away from the tourist sights and main thoroughfares, you will find plenty of quiet and picturesque canalsides and lanes to wander hand-in-hand. On this page I'll suggest some romantic places and things to do to make your holiday or honeymoon truly special and memorable.
=) Sorry about the pictures. It's either too small or too blur =='
oh well, never mind pfft~
my legs hurt
my fingers hurt
my hand bleeds
ARGH what's wrong with me eh? =='
Ah never mind lol
I gotta go. Wanna play yoville xD *in facebook*
P.S My watch is dead D=
P.P.S And yea, I love Italy too ;P
P.P.P.S Confusing about some stuff lately...wondering what must be done..?
From : Darkling Lovecraft
I had been crazy about Japan since I was young
Can't remember what makes me crazy about it though *shurgs*
Neeways, Momo is coming to SMK Hamid Khan!!
Oh YAY! xD Can't wait for the days to come
She's 17, but gona stay at the same class with Suha (her elder brother went Japan last year already)
Sweet-looking, cute, ADORABLE, soft-spoken, full of wonder, FRIENDLY, and very SOCIABLE =D
I love people who ain't afraid to speak to strangers *swoon*
I dunno. I just do ;D
Okay, for those people whom are blur about what I was talking about.
It's about a program, where countries exchanges students and all.
I got the form already *winks*
Besides, my mum really encourage me to do so, she's been telling me about since I was Form1 =D
Was aiming for France, Spain or Italy..
France is a little bit more expensive so I just let it go. need to learn it's language for at least TWO years before going there. No time, no time!!
So left Italy, which happens to be my first choice ;)
Does of you whom don't know ANYTHING about ITALY.
I pity you larh wei. Tsk tsk.
Lots of people go there for their honeymoon. Why? Cos' it's the MOST romantic place EVER!!
Romance in Venice & Rome

Venice is generally supposed to be just about the most romantic city on earth. And it's true, it really is. Even those who hate cliches can't deny the romance of this unique and captivating place. But if you arrive in the height of the tourist season, with gawping crowds blocking your every move and noisy school parties shouting above the din of their mobile phone ringtones, you may wonder why on earth you came here to declare love, propose marriage or enjoy your honeymoon. So my advice is to plan ahead, pack a map, and set off to escape the crowds. Away from the tourist sights and main thoroughfares, you will find plenty of quiet and picturesque canalsides and lanes to wander hand-in-hand. On this page I'll suggest some romantic places and things to do to make your holiday or honeymoon truly special and memorable.
Rome has scores of beautiful romantic lanes, restaurants and parks. However, lovers may find that crowds can be off-putting, and the tourist industry leads them away from the quainter local corners. Try escaping the crowds down the small medieval lanes leading from the busy squares - around both Campo de' Fiori and Piazza Navona there are plenty of pretty corners where you can escape the worst of the crowds. Wandering along these lanes arm-in-arm is a romantic experience in itself, but you could add to the moment by visiting some of the smaller bars and restaurants you'll find here, catering for locals as well as tourists.=) Sorry about the pictures. It's either too small or too blur =='
oh well, never mind pfft~
my legs hurt
my fingers hurt
my hand bleeds
ARGH what's wrong with me eh? =='
Ah never mind lol
I gotta go. Wanna play yoville xD *in facebook*
You Are Cute-Sexy! |
You are both hot and quirky. Gorgeous and silly. Charming and natural. You are not so in-your-face sexy that you're unapproachable. You tone things down a bit. More than anything else, you are real and genuine. And that makes you truly captivating. |
P.S My watch is dead D=
P.P.S And yea, I love Italy too ;P
P.P.P.S Confusing about some stuff lately...wondering what must be done..?
From : Darkling Lovecraft
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